McIDAS-V Coordinating Committee - Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Present:   Tom Achtor, Tom Whittaker, Tom Rink, Becky Schaffer, Dee Wade, Kathy Strabala, Matt Lazzara
Guest: Bill Bellon

Bill Bellon started with a presentation on his proposed web page for the project. 
Developers need to be able to track their assigned tasks, their hours worked, and their projected hours for the next month.   Managers need to be able to track what the developers are doing on what projects and to track the work being done on each task and project.  They need to be able to reply back to the PIs on how funding is being spent.  We want this to be simple for the developers to use, and to also give useful information for the managers, without anyone being bogged down by paperwork.  Keep It Simple.

TomA brought up the work being done by Tom Demke with Program Management Requirements.  
Each project should have three things:  1- Requirements to get the project done, 2 - The plan to achieve the requirements, and 3 - Verification that the requirements were satisfied.   If we can get everybody using this proposed web system, Bill's web page should satisfy all three of these requirements.

MattL brought up the need to track not only what is currently being done, but also what is needed (like the Mc-X inquiry system).  He wondered if we were reinventing what had already been done.

TomW - Top Priorities (in no particular order)
   - integrate functionality for hyperspectral data (IASI, AIRS, GIFS)
   - create interface for HYDRA
2 - Easy installation
   - Mc-X
   - IDV
   - Plug-Ins
   - Local ADDE servers
3 - Mc-X bridge
   - IDV cursor position back to Mc-X
   - Vector graphics
4 - Improved GUI
   - one-click image selection

Dee and Becky agreed with those priorities.   Becky also brought up the need for processes to run in the background and for machines without graphics cards to still work with mc-v.  TomW said that background processes do work with the IDV.   Dee said that DaveP looked into the graphics card issue, and it should not be a problem.  

Kathy also agreed with those priorities, and reiterated the importance of making the ADDE servers easier to install and to share data.   She also wanted to add one thing to the list:  
5 - Easy configuration for new data formats

Dee asked what the timeline is for getting these tasks completed.  Because there is no infinite pot of money to pay for the work and no team of programmers with 100% of their time dedicated to this project, the answer is "when they get done".   Dee mentioned that we have a McIDAS Users' Group meeting planned for May/June and would like to have some things to show at that meeting. 

In response to the question of what exactly is Mc-V and what will it look like, TomW answered that Mc-V will be Mc-X, the bridge, IDV, and any other plug-ins like HYDRA.  TomA restated from the meeting last week that Mc-V is not a replacement for Mc-X.

TomA reminded the committee that their job is to keep a broad vision for the future - thinking ahead 5-10 years, not just for the next meeting. 

Dee mentioned that she would like her McIDAS Users to have more of an active role in the decision making of this committee.  TomA does not want more people at these meetings, but brought up the survey sent to the McIDAS users.  Dee is the representative of the McIDAS community at these meetings.   Polling her users was a way for her to gather information from her users so that she could accurately represent their needs.  TomW brought up the Unidata steering committee - possibly a MUG steering committee could be created and then Dee would be the representative of that steering committee at the mc-v-cc meetings.

The next "all hands" meeting is October 11th.   At that meeting, we'd like to be able to show the developers how to use the new web page, and also make sure that people understand their assigned tasks (this should have already been done via email or meetings with Tom, et al.)   Anybody that has been working on this project can tell people what they've been working on, what they plan on working on, and any problems/questions they have.  

Get the web page done for the October 11th meeting (BillB and Becky)
Assign the tasks for each of the priority items, so that the developers are informed by the time of the October 11th meeting (TomW and TomR, who will request any necessary help from the rest of the mc-v-cc)

Coordinating Committee
- Wednesday, October 25th - 10:30 a.m. in Room 351
- Wednesday, November 22nd - 10:30 a.m. in Room 351 (day before Thanksgiving?)
- Wednesday, October 11th - 10:00 a.m. in Room 351
- Wednesday, November 8th - 10:00 a.m. in Room 351