On the 10th of August let's plan on having our first of what I hope will become regular monthly get togethers to discuss our issues, plans and goals.

Prior to that meetings, the MUG will be soliciting input from their users to help define the MUG's needs.  We will also try to meet with other PIs to acertain their's as well.  The outcome of these will help us put some priorities on work to be done.

We will be meeting with the other PIs prior to this
As some of you know, we produced a proposal 3 years ago after considering the work-to-be-done.  The essence of this proposal was based on a collection of functions we (Dave Santek and I basically) could identify from the McIDAS Users Manual, along with other things we could see -- for example, handling hyperspectral data.  This coupled with what we heard from the Survey led to the proposal.   Here's a link to the Survey results, fyi:


The summary document of the McIDAS-X commands and functionality can be downloaded from:


There is no priority or ordering implied -- this is essentially a linear list!

The culmination of these two documents is in the proposal, which, for reference, you can also download.....
< https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~tomw/mcidas-v/McIDAS_V_2004_12_22_fab.doc>

CAUTION!  Please remember a few things -- these are 2-3 years old.  Also, the proposal was put together assuming the $1.2M was committed and we could do the start-to-finish project with full-time people.  So.....you should ignore any timelines.

I hope that you all have been learning as much about the capabilities of the IDV and VisAD libraries, from the user's standpoint.  Even for developers, it is important to know where the boundaries are. 

See you on the 10th.


Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI  53706  USA
ph: 608-262-2759