First GOES-8 visible image, 9 May 1994, 1630 UTC, J. Mecikalski
First GOES-8 Imager IR, 12 micron Window channel, 31 May 1994, 1300 UTC, J. Mecikalski
First GOES-8 Imager IR, 3.9 micron Window channel, 31 May 1994, 1300 UTC, J. Mecikalski
First GOES-8 Imager IR, 10.7 micron Window channel, 31 May 1994, 1300 UTC, J. Mecikalski
First GOES-8 Imager water vapor, 6.7 micron Window channel, 31 May 1994, 1300 UTC, J. Mecikalski
First GOES-8 Visible image (as received from the satellite, preprocessed), 9 May 1994, 1630 UTC, J. Mecikalski
GOES-8 Imager 10.7 micron surface temperature, Longwave Window, 2 February 1998, 1745 UTC
First data from GOES-8 imager & sounder instruments, 9 & 31 May, 9 June 1994, G. Wade/M. Lazzara
4 panels, all GOES-8 IR bands, 31 May 1994, 1300 UTC, G. Wade/M. Lazzara
3 sample GOES-8 sounder bands with IR band list, 6 June 1994, 1414 UTC, G. Wade/M. Lazzara
GOES-8 sounder longwave, CO2-temperature bands, 6 June 1994, 1414 UTC, G. Wade/M. Lazzara
GOES-8 sounder longwave CO2-temperature bands, 7 October 1994, 1146 UTC, G. Wade/M. Lazzara
GOES-8 sounder shortwave CO2-temperature bands, 7 June 1994, 1407 UTC, G. Wade/M. Lazzara
GOES-8 sounder water vapor (H2O) bands, 6 June 1994, 1414 UTC, G. Wade/M. Lazzara