McIDAS-XCD Administrator's Guide
Version 2022.1
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Station ID monitoring utility.
IDMON COMP file idfile type
IDMON HIST file days station
IDMON monitors the status of stations and generates lists to inform operations of new stations and stations that stopped reporting. With this information, operations can remove or add data to the station database (STNDB.CORE).
To activate or deactivate station ID monitoring, edit the appropriate decoder configuration file. Decoders developed at SSEC create two station files: OLDtype.IDM and NEWtype.IDM where type is one of the following data types.
File OLDtype.IDM contains a record of all stations that are reporting data and are included in the master table of stations in the decoder's MD file.
File NEWtype.IDM contains all stations reporting data, but are not included in the master table of stations in the decoder's MD file.
To add new stations reporting data or delete stations no longer reporting, use command UPDIDS. SSEC recommends updating station files monthly for locally developed decoders. If you update your own master ID table, please document the changes and notify SSEC.
SSEC sends updated ID files with each McIDAS upgrade.
This entry lists the stations filed in OLDISFC.IDM that have reported since station monitoring was activated, but have not reported in 50 days or more.
This entry lists the last date and time data was reported from Madison, Wisconsin, and filed in OLDISFC.IDM.
This entry lists the new RAOB stations that are reporting data but are not currently being filed in the MD file.
This entry lists the old synoptic stations that exist in the column headers of the MD file but have never reported.
This entry lists the station location of new stations that did not previously report for the GFSMOS decoder.
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