McIDAS-XCD Administrator's Guide
Version 2021.1
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As new data is decoded and filed by McIDAS-XCD your disk will begin to fill up. Complete the steps below to free up disk space by removing old data and rotating the -XCD log files.
There are two ways to configure the removal of MD, GRID and text files. If you have a continuous McIDAS session running in the oper account, you may use the McIDAS-X scheduler. If you prefer to configure the data to be removed in the background without a McIDAS session running, you may use the Unix cron command. Command QRTMDG deletes old MD and grid files generated by the decoders; command DELWXT deletes old text files generated by the ingestors.
If the resulting list of processes does not include a line containing "SKED SKEDFILE", start a SKED process with the command below.
Type: crontab -e
Type: mm hh *
* * /home/oper/mcidas/bin/qrtmdg.k MD 1 90 nn DEV=NCN
Type: mm hh *
* * /home/oper/mcidas/bin/delwxt.k nn DEV=NCN
Type: mm hh * *
* /home/oper/mcidas/bin/qrtmdg.k GRID 50001 100000 nn DEV=NCN
Type: crontab -e
Type: mm hh *
* * /home/oper/mcidas/bin/xcdscour GRIB nn path_to_grib_files
Type: mm hh *
* * /home/oper/mcidas/bin/xcdscour BUFR nn path_to_bufr_files
The xcdscour command deletes old GRIB1, GRIB2 and BUFR files generated by the decoders. If the GRIB decoder is configured to use a MySQL/MariaDB database the corresponding GRIB1 and GRIB2 database entries will be removed.
Type: crontab -e
0 * * * * /home/oper/mcidas/bin/xcdadmin log -t
Type: 0 0 * * * /home/oper/mcidas/bin/xcdadmin
log -r
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