McIDAS-XCD Administrator's Guide
Version 2018.2

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Configuring the GRIB Decoders

There are two options to choose from for decoding real-time NCEP GRIB messages.

You can activate either or both of the decoders and make their data available to your users in datasets defined in Configuring the Default ADDE Datasets. Keep in mind, however, that SSEC tests and supports real-time -XCD grid datasets only in GRIB format and McIDAS Grid files consume much more disk space than GRIB files.

See Chapter 5, Decoding GRIB Messages, for more information.

DMGRID Decoder for McIDAS Grid Files

If you want to decode the GRIB1 messages into McIDAS Grid files, activate the DMGRID decoder by running the command below from a McIDAS-X session running under the oper account.


DMBIN Decoder for GRIB1 and GRIB2 Files

If you want to file the GRIB1 and GRIB2 messages into GRIB files of the same format and populate the MySQL/MariaDB database with GRIB1/GRIB2 metadata, use the gribadmin and DECINFO commands below.

Create the MySQL/MariaDB database by running the command below from a Unix shell prompt. The command will prompt for a password. Enter the password for the MySQL/MariaDB root user, which was set by the person that installed MySQL/MariaDB.

Type: gribadmin makedb

If you have problems running this command, review the Configuration Sections section of the gribadmin script. It contains variables that change its behavior. In particular, the mysql_path and gcc_lib_path variables may need to be changed.

Activate the DMBIN decoder by running the command below from a McIDAS-X session running under the oper account.


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