McIDAS-XCD Administrator's Guide
Version 2017.2

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Installing McIDAS-XCD 2017.2

The McIDAS-XCD 2017.2 software installation process makes the directories ~oper/mcidas/xcd2017.2, ~oper/mcidas/xcd2017.2/src and ~oper/mcidas/xcd2017.2/data, places the source and data files in them, and builds the software. When the build is complete, the source, helps, data, and binaries are copied to the directories ~oper/mcidas/src, ~oper/mcidas/help, ~oper/mcidas/data, and ~oper/mcidas/bin, respectively.

This section contains the instructions for installing McIDAS-XCD 2017.2. There are two sets of instructions. The instructions you use depend on whether you are doing an upgrade (installing -XCD 2017.2 on a workstation that's running a previous version of -XCD) or an initial install (installing the -XCD software for the first time on a workstation).

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