McIDAS-XCD Administrator's Guide
Version 2012.1

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McIDAS-XCD Status Display Window

The McIDAS-XCD Status Display window lists information about the data that is being processed by the ingestors and data monitors. The Status Display window can be started with the statdisp command.

A sample Status Display window is shown in Figure 3; the table below it defines each field in the display. The top section of the display shows the status of the ingestors. In the sample display the text ingestor INGETEXT last filed data at byte 804628400 in the raw text file and last filed data in the index file SR08154.IDX at byte location 3677536. The bottom section of the display shows the status of the data monitors. In the sample display the surface observation data monitor SAODEC has decoded data from the raw text file at byte offset 563088. You can tell that SAODEC is up to date because the Begptr and Lasptr fields are identical. Once SAODEC has read up to byte 563088 it rereads the index file SA08154.IDX to determine if there is more data to be decoded. If no more data is available then the data monitor will wait 30 seconds and then try again. In the sample display, SAODEC last wrote to MD file MDXX0004 at row 52 and column 5686. The GRIB entry (old McIDAS GRID decoder) is red because it's inactive.

Figure 3. Sample Status Display Window


The table below defines each field in the Status Display window.






circuit receiving the data


ingestor command name


time the data was last received


last byte number the ingestor wrote


last directory location the ingestor filed; not used by INGEBIN

Index file

index file name last written to; for INGEBIN this field displays the spool name


origin of the last block filed; the value is extracted from the WMO header; not used for INGEBIN


product header of the last block filed; not used by INGEBIN


WMO product number of the last block filed; not used by INGEBIN




data monitor number


decoder name


time data was last processed


current index location being decoded


last index location decoder processes before checking for more data


last GRID or MD file the decoder wrote to


last GRID number or ROW number written to


last MD column number written to


text description of the decoder process


name of index file used to keep track of data in the raw text file



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