McIDAS-X User's Guide
Version 2024.1

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Enhancement utility.


EU LIST string
EU MAKE inlo inhi bcolor ecolor bframe eframe [keywords]
EU MAKE inlo inhi 1lo 1hi 2lo 2hi 3lo 3hi bframe eframe [keywords]
EU REST name bframe eframe [keywords]
EU SAVE name
EU TABLE name [keywords]
EU CONV name img_type



lists the predefined colors in the MCRGB.TXT data file for use in the bcolor and ecolor parameters


deletes a saved enhancement


lists the saved enhancements


sets the enhancement


restores a saved enhancement (default)


saves the current enhancement


lists the values of an enhancement


converts an existing enhancement table so that when it's applied to an image displayed with the expanded stretch option, it uses the same mapping of image values to display colors as it did without the expanded stretch; see the Remarks for details


enhancement name; 512 alphanumeric characters maximum (REST option default=default grayscale enhancement; TABLE option default=current; no default for DEL, SAVE and CONV options)


lists only the enhancements beginning with this character string (no default; list all enhancements)


lowest brightness value of displayed image to apply the MAKE enhancement change to; the range is 0 to 255 (default=0); the resultant changes in color from inlo to inhi are done by interpolation from bcolor to ecolor or from 1lo, 2lo, 3lo to 1hi, 2hi, 3hi


highest brightness value of displayed image to apply the MAKE enhancement change to; the range is 0 to 255 (default=0)


predefined color to apply to inlo; use EU COLORS to list the valid colors


predefined color to apply to inhi (default=bcolor); use EU COLORS to list the valid colors


beginning image frame on which to apply the enhancement (default=current)


ending image frame on which to apply the enhancement (default=bframe)


intensity of the first color component to apply to inlo


intensity of the first color component to apply to inhi


intensity of the second color component to apply to inlo


intensity of the second color component to apply to inhi


intensity of the third color component to apply to inlo


intensity of the third color component to apply to inhi; the valid range for parameters 1lo, 1hi, 2lo, 2hi, 3lo and 3hi is 0 to 255 (default=0); the first color component is either blue or red, the second color component is green, the third color component is either red or blue; see the Remarks for more information


image type used with the enhancement table that is being converted with the CONV option to work with the expanded stretch feature in McIDAS-X 2017.2 and later; valid options are VIS, WV and SWIR for visible, water vapor and short-wave infrared, respectively; see the Remarks for details




formats the TABLE option output to list each brightness level and its coresponding enhancement values on a separate line



formats the TABLE option output to list sets of brightness levels and their coresponding enhancement values (default)



applies the enhancement to all frames in the loop; overrides the bframe and eframe values



does not apply the enhancement to all frames in the loop (default)



changes the order of the color components from the default (blue-green-red) to red-green-blue in the MAKE option's 1lo, 1hi, 2lo, 2hi, 3lo and 3hi input parameters and the TABLE option's output listing



keeps the default order of the color components (default)


Parameters 1lo, 2lo, 3lo and 1hi, 2hi, 3hi are the intensities (0-255) of the three color components that make up the final color applied to the inlo and inhi input brightness values. The RGB keyword determines the order in which the three color components are specified:

Brightness values are only listed with EU TAB when they vary from the default table, i.e., brightness values 0 to 255 have intensities 0 to 255 for blue, green and red. For example, EU MAKE 20 120 20 120 20 120 20 120 lists nothing because the blue, green and red intensities have not altered the default range.

Occasionally, a brightness range will contain a value that will not need to change as the new values are assigned by command EB. In the example below, the data's brightness value of 104 happens to match the value assigned during the EB stretch. Since value 104 did not need to change, it becomes a breakpoint in the EU TABLE listing and is not shown on the output below. Command EB 62 164 2 250 produces the following output from EU TABLE.

Brightness      Blue        Green        Red
 min  max     min  max    min  max     min  max
 ---  ---     ---  ---    ---  ---     ---  ---
  62  103       2  102      2  102       2  102 
 105  164     107  250    107  250     107  250

Multipanel frames (created with the PANEL command) use a single color table. So when you apply an enhancement to a frame (with the EU or EB command), the enhancement is applied to all panels on the frame. That is, you cannot have EU or EB apply one enhancement to one panel, and a different enhancement to another panel.

However, you can simulate different enhancements on each panel by displaying the image on each panel with its own set of brightness values. To do so, use the SU command to make the stretch tables, then display the images using IMGDISP with the SU= and PAN= keywords to select the appropriate stretch table for each image/panel. Then use EU to create separate enhancements specifically for each panel so that only its colors change when the enhancement is applied.

For example, if you have a four-panel frame you can make four SU tables, each stretching a different ranges of brightness values with commands like these:
SU INI PAN1; SU MAKE PAN1 0 255 0 63
SU INI PAN2; SU MAKE PAN2 0 255 64 127
SU INI PAN3; SU MAKE PAN3 0 255 128 191
SU INI PAN4; SU MAKE PAN4 0 255 192 255
Then display the imagery with commands like IMGDISP dataset PAN=1 SU=PAN1, IMGDISP dataset PAN=2 SU=PAN2, etc. You can then use EU to make an enhancement table for each of the images/panels. Enhancements for brightnesses 0-63 (e.g., EU MAKE 0 63 BLUE PURPLE) will apply to panel 1, enhancements for brightnesses 64-127 will apply to panel 2, enhancements for brightnesses 128-191 will apply to panel 3, and enhancements for brightnesses 192-255 will apply to panel 4.

McIDAS-X 2017.2 was updated with a new expanded stretch option that displays more detail in images that match the satellite and band combinations in the file MCSTRETCH.TXT. Run command SEE MCSTRETCH.TXT to view the file and see Setting the Expanded Stretch Option for more information about the option, which increases the detail by using stretch tables to expand the range of data values over a larger range of 8-bit brightness values. The EU command's CONV option converts an existing enhancement table to use the new ranges so that when it's applied to an image displayed with the expanded stretch option, it maps the same image values to the same display colors/shades as it did without the expanded stretch. The CONV option makes a backup of the original enhancement table in NAME_OLD.ET. For example, command EU CONV SPECTRUM copies the current SPECTRUM.ET to SPECTRUM_OLD.ET then updates SPECTRUM.ET as described above.

See Also

Use command EB for interactive, mouse-controlled contrast stretching.



This entry restores the default enhancement to the current frame.


This entry lists all the saved enhancement tables on the workstation.


This entry lists all the saved enhancement tables beginning with VAP.

EU MAKE 20 75 255 255 0 0 255 255

This entry color enhances all image pixels with brightness values between 20 and 75 to solid magenta.

EU MAKE 100 200 RED YELLOW 1 3

This entry color enhances the image pixel brightness values between 100 and 200 on image frames 1 to 3 from red to yellow.


This entry saves the enhancement on the current frame to a file named VAPOR.


This entry restores an enhancement called VAPOR to all frames defined in a loop.


This entry lists the values of the current enhancement.


This entry converts an enhancement table named VAPOR that was created and used in McIDAS-X version 2017.1 or earlier to apply the same enhancement (same image values mapped to the same display colors/shades) when a water vapor image is displayed in McIDAS-X 2017.2 or later using the expanded stretch option. A backup copy of the original enhancement table is saved in VAPOR_OLD.ET.

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