McIDAS-X User's Guide
Version 2022.1
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Displays active weather warnings, watches and advisories.
WWDISP map frame [keywords]
map |
map to display; use any predefined map in the MAP command, for example, USA, MID, KS (default=no map is drawn, use frame navigation) |
frame |
frame number to display the output (default=current) |
COLor= |
svr toroutl svroutl winst winstoutl winwx bliz blizoutl fldwarn fldwatch |
tor |
color of tornado watch outlines and warnings fill |
svr |
color of severe thunderstorm watch outlines and warnings fill |
toroutl |
color of county outlines drawn for tornado warnings |
svroutl |
color of county outlines drawn for severe thunderstorm warnings |
winst |
color of winter storm watch outlines and warnings fill |
winstoutl |
color of zone outlines drawn for winter storm warnings |
winwx |
color of zone outlines drawn for winter weather advisories |
bliz |
color of blizzard warnings fill |
blizoutl |
color of zone outlines drawn for blizzard warnings |
fldwarn |
color of flood/flash flood warning outlines and fill |
fldwatch |
color of flood/flash flood watch outlines and fill |
DAY= |
bday eday |
day range of active bulletins to plot (default=current bday) |
FILl= |
type of shading for counties and National Weather Service zones under warnings; uses the colors specified for svr, tor, win and bliz with the COLOR keyword; use one of the following options |
use no fill |
fill completely with a solid color (default) |
TRAN density |
fill partially to give a transparent effect; density range is 2-10; larger values give a greater transparent effect, for example, a value of 5 fills every fifth pixel (density default=4) |
GROup= |
ADDE group to search; the group name must be mapped with the DATALOC command to a server with weather text data (default=RTWXTEXT) |
NAV= |
frame to use for navigation; specify a frame number or C for current frame (default=C); no map is drawn; you cannot use this keyword unless the default (X) is used for the map parameter |
PLOt= |
plot severe thunderstorm and tornado watches as box outlines |
plot severe thunderstorm and tornado watches as county outlines rather than box outlines; plot severe thunderstorm warnings and tornado warnings as filled counties rather than polygons; plot flood watches and warnings as hatch-filled county outlines rather than polygons |
NBOX height |
plot severe thunderstorm and tornado watches as box outlines with the watch number in center of each box using the specified pixel height (default=NBOX 7) |
TIMe= |
btime etime |
time range of active bulletins to plot (default=current btime) |
TYPe= |
. . tn |
blizzard warnings |
blizzard watches (last issued Oct 2017; see the Remarks) |
flood/flash flood warnings |
flood/flash flood watches |
severe thunderstorm warnings |
severe thunderstorm watches |
snow advisories (last issued Sep 2008; see the Remarks) |
tornado warnings |
tornado watches |
winter weather advisories |
winter storm warnings |
winter storm watches |
ALL (default) |
WATch= |
num1 . . numn |
severe thunderstorm and tornado watch numbers to plot; watches are plotted only if they are active during the time period specified with the DAY and TIME keywords; you cannot use WATCH with the TYPE keyword (default=all active watches during time period specified with DAY and TIME) |
WIDth= |
width |
graphics line width for county outlines and watch boxes (default=current GD command setting) |
WList= |
display the watch list in the upper-left corner of the frame; the list includes the watch number, the day of month, and the time it expires (default) |
NO |
do not display the watch list |
If both watches and warnings are active, the watches are plotted before the warnings, regardless of which were issued first. The map is drawn after all the watches and warnings are plotted.
Severe thunderstorm and tornado watches are drawn as either a box or county outlines. If you use PLOT=NBOX (the default), the watch number is plotted in the center of each box. The number begins with a T, indicating tornado, or an S, indicating severe thunderstorm. Winter storm warnings are always plotted as zone outlines.
Watches are outlined in the tor, svr and winst colors specified with the COLOR keyword. Counties and zones under a warning are filled with the tor, svr, winst and bliz colors using the shading specified with the FILL keyword, and are outlined with the toroutl, svroutl, winstoutl and blizoutl colors specified in the COLOR keyword. Flood/flash flood watches and warnings, and winter weather advisories are filled with the fldwatch, fldwarn and winwx colors in a hatch pattern unless FILL=NONE is specified.
If you specify a range with the DAY and TIME keywords, any bulletins active during the range are plotted. For example, DAY=185 187 TIME=21 3 specifies a window from 21:00 UTC on day 185 through 03:00 UTC on day 187. If you specify a single day and time, bulletins active at that day and time are plotted. The default is the current day and time.
Canceled severe thunderstorm and tornado watches are considered expired and are not displayed. Canceled warnings and winter storm watches are displayed until the original expiration time has passed.
The National Weather Service discontinued Snow Advisories (TYPE=SNOWADV) beginning 09 September 2008 (NWS SCN08-40) and discontinued Blizzard Watches (TYPE=BLIZWATCH) beginning 02 October 2017 (NWS SCN17-77). The TYPE=SNOWADV and TYPE=BLIZWATCH options were left in this command so they are valid when using archive data.
This entry plots all active severe thunderstorm watches and warnings, tornado watches and warnings, winter storm watches and warnings, flood/flash flood watches and warnings, blizzard warnings, and winter weather advisories on the current frame. No map is drawn; the current frame's navigation is used.
This entry plots all active tornado watches and warnings on a map of the United States on frame 4.
This entry plots all active severe thunderstorm and tornado watches and warnings on a map of Texas on the current frame. The tornado watches and warnings are plotted in graphics color level 5. The severe thunderstorm watches and warnings are plotted in graphics color level 4. The outlines of counties with warnings are displayed in graphics color level 6.
This entry plots severe thunderstorm or tornado watches 490, 491 and 492 as county outlines on a map of the Midwest. The watches are plotted only if they are currently active. If they are no longer active, you must use the DAY and TIME keywords to specify the day and time when they were active.
WWDISP USA DAY=2015115 2015119 TIME=0 23:59
This entry plots all severe thunderstorm watches and warnings, tornado watches and warnings, winter storm watches and warnings, flood/flash flood watches and warnings, blizzard warnings, and winter weather advisories that were active on days 2015115 through 2015119 on a map of the United States.
The first entry displays the most recent image in dataset GOES8/VIS on the current frame with Buffalo, New York, at the center, and includes a high-resolution map. The second entry uses the image's navigation to plot all winter storm and blizzard warnings active between 18 and 23:59 UTC on day 1998361. Every sixth pixel in the zones under a warning is filled, producing a transparent effect that allows most of the satellite image to be seen.
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