McIDAS-X User's Guide
Version 2022.1
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STNLIST id1 . . idN [keywords]
3- to 5-character IDs or 5-digit ID numbers of stations to list |
list stations in this country; use the CCODE command to list valid 2-letter country codes |
list stations in this latitude range, where slat and nlat are the southern and northern latitude limits, respectively |
list stations in this longitude range, where elon and wlon are the eastern and western longitude limits, respectively |
list stations with an exact match of the specified string, including any spaces |
list stations in this state; use its 2-letter state P.O. abbreviation |
list stations matching the USERID field in the STNDB.USER and STNDB.SITE files; see the Remarks |
The frame navigation, cursor, and RADIUS and SIZE keywords are used to locate stations if MODE=I is specified or if none of the search keywords (CO, LAT, LON, MATCH, ST or USERID) or id1..idN are specified. MODE=I lets you select multiple geographic regions to list the stations within.
Station elevations are given in meters and all distance and radius values are great circle distances in kilometers, or the unit specified in the RADIUS keyword.
The following single-character codes are used to indicate station types in the Data Types columns of the STNLIST output:
If the DATASET keyword is not specified, STNLIST lists stations in the station database files STNDB.CORE, STNDB.SITE and STNDB.USER. The .CORE file is supplied with McIDAS-X and should not be modified. The .USER file overrides the .SITE file, which overrides the .CORE file. This order of precedence allows you or your site to change existing stations and/or add new stations in your .USER or .SITE file.
To create a .USER or .SITE file, first run a command similar to the following to create the file in the first writable MCPATH directory.
The file contains one long line that defines the data for station KMSN. An equal sign (=) denotes the value of each of the 10 fields (IDN, ID, LATLON, ULATLON, ELE, UELE, ST, CO, NAME, and DATATYPE). Replace the values in the KMSN entry with those for your station and add lines as needed for additional stations. Entries do not have to include all ten fields. The required fields are LATLON and at least one of the following: ID, IDN, USERID. Other fields like CO, ST and NAME are useful but not required. Note that you must follow the one-entry-per-line format for all stations in your .USER and .SITE files. Line breaks are not permitted.
Three additional fields, USERID, COMMENT and VALID, may be optionally added to any station in your .USER and .SITE files. The USERID field is used to assign a unique identifier to your local stations. The COMMENT='comment1' . . 'commentN' field values are listed with the FORM=ALL keyword. The VALID field is used to enter a date range for which the station is valid. If you specify a date range that has passed (e.g., VALID=2000001 2000111), the station is no longer considered valid so will not be listed or plotted with commands S, STNLIST or STNPLOT. The VALID field is useful for leaving station information in your local file and thus providing an audit trail of changes and storing the information in case the station needs to be re-entered at a later date.
This entry lists station information for Dublin, Ireland and Sydney, Australia.
This entry lists all NEXRAD Doppler Radar and Weather Service Forecast Offices in Texas.
This entry lists all airport stations in Spain.
This entry lists all stations, and their full station names, between 60 and 90 degrees South latitude (the Antarctic region). The LAT keyword was used instead of CO=AQ because some stations are listed under other country codes, e.g., AR, RU and US.
This entry lists all stations located within the region defined by the current cursor location on the frame. The stations are listed from closest to farthest from the center of the cursor.
This entry lists the five stations closest to the center of the cursor.
This entry uses the interactive mode to list stations in muliple regions on the frame. For each region selected by pressing the right mouse button or Alt G, the METAR stations in Illinois within 50 km of the cursor center are listed.
This entry uses the interactive mode to list stations in muliple regions on the frame. For each region selected by pressing the right mouse button or Alt G, the stations in dataset RTPTSRC/SFCHOURLY that reported data for the current hour are listed. Entries like this one are useful for quickly finding stations with surface hourly data in the vicinity of a feature observed on a satellite or radar image.
This entry lists the Florida stations in dataset RTPTSRC/UPPERMAND that reported RAOB data at 0 UTC today. Entries like this one are useful for quickly finding RAOB stations with data that can be used in commands like UALIST, UAPLOT and UACROSS.
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