McIDAS-X User's Guide
Version 2022.1
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Plots upper-air data from IRAB-schema point files.
level map time day [keywords]
RAOBPLOT par1-par2
lev1-lev2 map time1-time2 day1-day2 [keywords]
graphics color level (default=3); specify as a single number, e.g., COLOR=5, or in the format color[min-maxBinc] to assign multiple colors for the parameter, based on its values; e.g., COLOR=2[30-59B10] plots values 30-39 in level 2, values 40-49 in level 3, values 50-59 in level 4, values less than 30 in level 1, and values greater than 59 in level 5 |
ADDE point dataset name and position; specify as group/descriptor.position or alias.position where position is a positive integer (absolute position), 0 or a negative integer (relative position), or ALL (default=RTPTSRC/UPPERMAND.ALL) |
declutter the plot, meaning do not plot overlapping values (default) |
you cannot use the NAV keyword if you specify a map with the map parameter |
units for the specified parameter; see the Remarks for defaults; run the CU LIST command to list the valid units and abbreviations for the parameters that can be changed |
RAOBPLOT builds and runs a PTDISP command to display mandatory-level upper-air data from IRAB-schema point files. RAOBPLOT accepts all the keywords in the PTDISP command except LAT, LON, MAP, PRO, SLAT, SLON and PARAM because they may conflict with RAOBPLOT's parameters or keywords. You can use the PTDISP SELECT keyword to limit the plot to a specified list or range of values, but you cannot specify a different parameter, time, day or unit than those defined by the RAOBPLOT parameters or keywords.
The table below lists the parameter name, default units and a description of each parameter defined in the RAOBPLOT.CORE file. Default units enclosed in parenthesis cannot be changed. The .CORE file is supplied with McIDAS-X and should not be modified. The .USER file overrides the .SITE file, which overrides the .CORE file. This order of precedence allows you or your site to change existing parameters and/or add new parameters in your .USER or .SITE file. To create a .USER or .SITE file, copy the .CORE file from ~mcidas/data to your $HOME/mcidas/data directory (or another MCPATH directory), rename it, then edit the existing predefined parameters and/or add new ones.
If you specify both a time difference (time1-time2) and a day difference (day1-day2), RAOBPLOT plots the values equal to the parameter and level at time1,day1 minus the parameter and level at at time2,day2. For example, RAOBPLOT Z 500 USA 0-12 2000123-2000122 plots the values equal to the 500-mb heights at 0 UTC, day 2000123 minus the 500-mb heights at 12 UTC, day 2000122.
If you specify a parameter difference (par1-par2) with a time difference and day difference, RAOBPLOT plots the values equal to the parameter difference at time1,day1 minus the parameter difference at time2,day2. For example, RAOBPLOT T-TD 500 USA 0-12 2000123-2000122 plots the values equal to the 500-mb dewpoint depression at 0 UTC, day 2000123 minus the 500-mb dewpoint depression at 12 UTC, day 2000122. If you also include a level difference (lev1-lev2), RAOBPLOT does the computations for both levels. For example, RAOBPLOT T-TD 850-500 USA 0-12 2000123-2000122 plots the values computed by the equation [A-B]-[C-D], where:
A = 850-mb dewpoint depression at 0 UTC, day 2000123
B = 500-mb dewpoint depression at 0 UTC, day 2000123
C = 850-mb dewpoint depression at 12 UTC, day 2000122
D = 500-mb dewpoint depression at 12 UTC, day 2000122
Parameters with their default units enclosed in parenthesis in the table above (e.g., IDN, MIX and THA) cannot be used with the differencing options (par1-par2, lev1-lev2, time1-time2 and day1-day2).
This entry plots 500-mb station model data for the current day and time using the navigation of the current frame.
This entry plots station ID numbers over a map of the United States with a plot size of six pixels.
This entry plots 850-mb temperatures in degrees Kelvin over a map of North America for the current day and time. The data is drawn with a plot size of six pixels. It is not decluttered, so all values are plotted and some may overlap.
RAOBPLOT WINDB 200 WORL 0 SELECT='SPD[KTS] 80 300' COLOR=5 LSIZE=10 TITLE='0 UTC 200-mb winds of at least 80 knots' 7 420 150
This entry plots wind barbs for all 0 UTC 200-mb winds with speeds of 80 knots or greater over a map of the world. The barbs are drawn in graphics color level 5 with a plot size of 10 pixels. The default title below the plot is replaced with the text 0 UTC 200-mb winds of at least 80 knots near the center of the frame in graphics color level 7. SELECT and TITLE are PTDISP keywords.
This entry plots 700-mb dew point temperatures over a map of North America. The data is from 12 UTC on 17 January 1996 in dataset CLIMATE/1996.
RAOBPLOT Z 500 USA 12 2000130-2000129
This entry plots the 24-hour 500-mb height change from 12 UTC, day 2000129 to 12 UTC, day 2000130 over a map of the United States.
RAOBPLOT Z 500-1000 NA 0
This entry plots today's 0 UTC 1000/500-mb thickness over a map of North America.
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