McIDAS-X User's Guide
Version 2022.1

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Activating Transaction Logging on a Remote Server

Remote servers can use transaction logging to monitor data requests that the server receives from McIDAS-X clients. This information is written into the file SERVER.LOG, which resides in the first writable directory of the environment from which the server is run.

The following items are logged.

Field Bytes Type Description
1 4 unsign Server IP address
2 4 int Server port used
3 4 unsign Client IP address; see Note below
4 4 char User ID
5 4 int Project number
6 12 char Password
7 4 char Transaction type
8 4 int Number of bytes received by server
9 120 char ADDE request string
10 4 int Number of bytes going out
11 4 int 100 x CPU seconds
12 4 int Return code
13 72 char Error message
14 4 int Start date in IYD format
15 4 int Start time of transaction in hhmmss
16 4 int End time of transaction in hhmmss

Note: Field 3 reports the IP address of the client workstation (if SSH tunneling is not used), gateway (if SSH tunneling is used with a gateway), or server (if SSH tunneling is used without a gateway). See the DATALOC command for SSH tunneling information.

Transaction logging is activated by setting the environment variable ADDE_LOGGING in the remote server account before the server starts. Complete the steps below to do this automatically each time you log in to the remote server account.

1. Add the following line to the remote server account's $HOME/.mcenv file.


2. Examine the remote server account's $HOME/.profile file and add the following line if it's not already present. Be sure to leave a space between the period (.) and $HOME.

. $HOME/.mcenv


The SERVER.LOG file will continue to grow in size until it is truncated or removed.
High access volume servers should schedule the file to be rotated or truncated to prevent filling of the file system.

To deactivate transaction logging, remove the line listed in step 1 above from the remote server account's $HOME/.mcenv file.

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