McIDAS-X User's Guide
Version 2021.1
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Lists the U.S. towns closest to the cursor location.
The TOWNS command lets you select multiple locations by moving the cursor and clicking the right mouse button at each desired location. To end the command,
The towns are listed from closest (first) to furthest (last) from the cursor location.
The state, town, county, latitude, longitude, and elevation (if available) are listed on the text frame.
This command uses data files provided by the U. S. Geological Survey, which are towns.nd1, towns.nd2 and towns.txt.
This entry lists the 20 towns closest to the cursor location when you click the right mouse button. You can select several locations by moving the cursor and clicking the right mouse button at each location.
This entry lists the 50 towns closest to the cursor location when you click the right mouse button. You can select several locations by moving the cursor and clicking the right mouse button at each location.
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