McIDAS-X User's Guide
Version 2020.1
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Lists images in a dataset.
IMGLIST dataset epos [keywords]
dataset |
ADDE dataset name and position; specify one of the following formats: |
group/descriptor.position |
alias.position |
a position greater than zero represents an absolute position in the dataset; a position less than or equal to zero represents a relative position in the dataset based on image time, for example, 0 is the most recent and -1 is the next most recent; the position ALL represents all positions in the dataset; to use the default position, do not specify .position (no default for group/descriptor or alias; default=0 for position) |
epos |
ending position number of the data on the server; must be greater than 0; valid only if the position specified in dataset is greater than 0 |
BANd= |
bband eband |
lists information only for the specified range of bands; uses BAND as the FORM keyword default |
lists all bands (default) |
DAY= |
bday eday |
lists only images within the specified range of dates (no default for bday; eday default=bday) |
FORm= |
image information to list (default=standard one-line image summary) |
lists the expanded image directory plus the band information |
lists the one-line image summary plus the audit trail |
lists the one-line image summary plus the auxiliary cards |
lists the one-line image summary plus the band information |
list OPS output plus memo field and creation information |
list image directory information in LA command format |
ID= |
station |
lists only images with the specified NEXRAD station ID, e.g., MKX |
lists the most recent image for all NEXRAD stations |
SS= |
lists only images with the specified sensor source number |
TIMe= |
btime etime |
lists only images within the specified range of times (no default for btime; etime default=btime) |
WL= |
bwl ewl |
lists all bands with image wavelengths in the range bwl to ewl; uses FORM=BAND as the default output format; valid only with high spectral resolution data, e.g., Aqua AIRS |
WN= |
bwn ewn |
lists all bands with image wave numbers in the range bwn to ewn; uses FORM=BAND as the default output format; valid only with high spectral resolution data, e.g., Aqua AIRS |
If a negative position is specified in dataset, all images from that position to the most recent are listed. For example, if you specify position -5, the six most recent images (positions 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5) are listed.
When using FORM=BAND or FORM=ALL, the center latitude and longitude location and the resolution values listed with each band are the approximate values at the image center point. The central wavelengths and descriptions of primary uses are from the SATBAND file, which gets its information from official satellite launch and operations websites. For example, the GOES-R Series (GOES-16 and later) central wavelengths listed in the FORM=BAND and FORM=ALL output are nominal values from the GOES-R Website's ABI Bands Quick Information Guides page. See its Fact Sheets for details about each band's characteristics and uses.
The line and element resolution factors (where "1" equals the base resolution factor of the instrument) are listed in the last line of the FORM=ALL output and with each band in the LR and ER columns of the FORM=OPS output. If there are multiple bands with different resolutions, the resolution factors in the last line of the FORM=ALL output are for the band(s) with the lowest resolution.
When listing GOES-R Series (GOES-16 and later) ABI images, the FORM=AUX keyword lists eight Temperature Data Quality Flag (TDQF) values from the raw data. The values are listed in a single line beginning with "DQF for band" for each of the sixteen bands. An "ND" in the output indicates that no value was reported for that flag. The values, in order, are for these eight TDQF flags:
This entry lists the most recent image in the dataset STORM/GOES-IR.
This entry lists the image in position 1 in the dataset STORM/GOES-IR.
This entry lists the four most recent images (positions 0, -1, -2, -3) in the dataset STORM/GOES-IR.
This entry lists the five most recent images in the dataset STORM/GOES-IR that contain band 3.
This entry lists the images in positions 1 through 20 in the dataset STORM/GOES-IR that contain band 3.
This entry lists the images in positions 5 through 10 in the dataset STORM/GOES-IR. It also lists information about the bands in each image.
This entry lists all the images with dates 95100 through 95110 in the dataset STORM/GOES-IR.
This entry lists all the images in the dataset STORM/GOES-IR with times 0 through 12 UTC on each day 95100 through 95110.
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