McIDAS-X User's Guide
Version 2020.1

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Lists a frame's directory.


To list the current image frame's directory,

Press:  Alt C


Type:  C

Press:  Enter

The output looks like this:

Frame SS Description Band Date  Time     Line Elem  Data Source
----- -- ----------- ---- ----- -------- ---- ----- -----------
    1 70 G-8 IMG      1   96171 16:02:00 3344 11935 A/ALL.4

Each field is defined below.

Field Definition
Frame frame number
SS sensor source number
Description sensor source description
Band image band number
Date image's Julian day, or date displayed if a graphic
Time image's time, or the time displayed if a graphic
Line line number, in image coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the frame
Elem element number, in image coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the frame
Data Source ADDE dataset name and position number if displayed with the IMGDISP command

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