McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2019.1
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Displays polar orbital tracks and coverage.
NAVDISP navdataset frame [keywords]
NAVDISP imgdataset frame [keywords]
NAVDISP tledataset frame [keywords]
navdataset |
name of the ADDE dataset containing the system navigation files for a satellite; specify as group/descriptor or alias |
imgdataset |
name and position of the ADDE dataset containing the image to use as a navigation source; specify as group/descriptor.position or alias.position; when specifying an image dataset, you must also use the TYPE=I keyword (position default=0) |
tledataset |
name of the ADDE dataset containing the NORAD Two-Line Element (TLE) data; specify as group/descriptor or alias; when specifying a TLE dataset, you also must use the TYPE=T keyword |
frame |
frame number for display (default=current) |
AColor= |
c1 . . cn |
graphics color level of the range circle for each antenna site specified with the STATION and LATLON keywords; use positive numbers for solid lines and negative numbers for dashed lines; see the Remarks (default=-4) |
ALabel= |
'name1' . . 'namen' label for each antenna site specified with the STATION and LATLON keywords; see the Remarks (defaults=A, B, etc. for locations specified with LATLON; station names or IDs for locations specified with STATION) |
CColor= |
graphics color level of the lines displaying the geographical coverage of the satellite sensor or the boundaries of the image specified in imgdataset; use positive numbers for solid lines and negative numbers for dashed lines; see the Remarks (default=0, do not plot coverage) |
DAY= |
bday eday |
range of days for display; see the Remarks (default=current, or from imgdataset) |
hgt1 . . hgtn |
height, in kilometers, of each antenna site specified with the LATLON keyword; see the Remarks (default=0) |
HORizon= |
ang1 . . angn |
minimum angle above the horizon at which a satellite signal is readable for each antenna site specified with the STATION and LATLON keyword; see the Remarks (default=5) |
INT= |
interval, in seconds, between the time marks on the orbital track (default=computed) |
LABel= |
'text' loc col size display label, location, color and size |
'text' |
label or description of the display (default=from dataset) |
loc |
location for the label at the bottom of the frame; specify a number 1 through 5; see the Remarks (default=1) |
col |
graphics color level for the label (default=from the CCOLOR keyword if used; otherwise from the TRCOLOR keyword) |
size |
height of the label characters in pixels (default=7) |
LATlon= |
lat1 lon1 . . latn lonn antenna locations; see the Remarks |
NAV= |
num |
frame to use for navigating the output (default=display frame) |
C |
use the current frame's navigation |
SENsor= |
type |
POES options: |
AVHRR (default), HIRS, MSU |
JPSS option: |
VIIRS (default) |
DMSP options: |
OLS (default), SSM/I, SSM/T, or SSM/T2 |
STAtion= |
sta1 . . stan |
antenna locations; specify as station IDs, e.g., KMSN or YSSY, optionally followed by the station type in brackets, e.g., ARX[N] or ARX[V]; see the Remarks |
btime etime |
time range to plot; see the Remarks (default=0 23:59:59, or from imgdataset) |
TMColor= |
graphics color level of the time marks on the orbital track (default=3) |
TMLabel= |
color size size and graphics color level of the time mark labels |
color |
graphics color level for the labels (default=from the TMCOLOR keyword if used; otherwise, default=3) |
size |
height of the label characters in pixels (default=7) |
TRColor= |
graphics color level of the orbital track; use positive numbers for solid lines and negative numbers for dashed lines (default=2) |
S |
uses the system navigation files specified with navdataset (default) |
I |
uses the navigation of the image specified with imgdataset; overrides the SENSOR keyword |
T 'sat ' |
uses the navigation of the TLE dataset specified in tledataset; sat is the name of the satellite in the dataset whose tracks you want to display; use the READ command to list the dataset and see which satellite names it contains |
NAVDISP displays orbital tracks, coverage edges, and antenna range circles on a navigated frame. Because there are no map drawing keywords, you must display an image or map on the frame before using NAVDISP.
Use the STATION and LATLON keywords to specify antenna locations. Colors, labels, and effective horizons specified with the ACOLOR, ALABEL, and HORIZON keywords are applied to antenna locations in the order entered, beginning with those specified with the STATION keyword.
The HEIGHT keyword is not valid with the STATION keyword. Use it with the LATLON keyword to specify the height of an antenna location. The STATION keyword uses the height defined in the STNDB.* station database files.
Use both the DAY and TIME keywords to specify the time period for plotting orbital tracks and coverage. For example, DAY=182 183 TIME=21 3 specifies a range from 21:00 UTC on day 182 through 03:00 UTC on day 183.
If you use the CCOLOR keyword and TYPE=I without the DAY or TIME keyword, the displayed geographical coverage is limited to the image specified in imgdataset. Otherwise, the entire geographical coverage of the sensor is displayed.
Labels are displayed at the bottom left corner of the frame. A default label is constructed using information from the system navigation file or the image used for navigation. The label includes the dataset name, the satellite, sensor, and day or range of days displayed. Use the LABEL keyword and the 'text' parameter if you want to choose a different label.
Use the loc parameter with the LABEL keyword to place additional labels on different lines at the bottom of the frame. Location 1 is the top line; additional labels are below. The maximum number of lines depends on the frame size: five for a 480 by 640 frame.
Use the PACORB command to display orbital tracks and coverage for the Pacific Test Range. Use the USAORB command to display orbital tracks and coverage for North America.
These entries draw the NOAA-14 satellite orbital tracks for day 96300 over a map of the world.
These entries draw the orbital track for the polar orbiting satellite with image data in position 8016 of dataset A/A. The track is displayed over a map of the Midwest.
MAP DEF LAT=-40 -40 LON=-90 90 SLAT=-40 PRO=CONF
NAVDISP NAV/NOAA12 TMCOLOR=5 DAY=96300 TIME=12 18 LATLON=-77:51 -166:40 HORIZON=10 ALABEL='McMurdo' INT=300
These entries draw the NOAA-12 satellite orbital tracks between 12:00 UTC and 18:00 UTC on day 96300 over a map of Antarctica. A range circle is drawn for an antenna located at 77:51° S, 166:40° E. The antenna tracks at an angle of 10 degrees or greater above the horizon. The label McMurdo is plotted in the center of the range circle.
These entries draw the orbital track for the polar orbiting satellite with data in the most recent image in the WALLOPS/N14GAC dataset. Antenna circles are drawn for the NASA Shuttle Landing Facility, Kennedy Space Center, FL; Northrup Landing Strip, White Sands Space Harbor, NM; and Edwards Air Force Base, CA.
These entries draw the TERRA satellite orbital tracks for today over a map of the world.
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