McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2019.1

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Starts the F Key Menu System.


MCMENU file font



name of the menu file; this is case sensitive and can include the directory with the file name; see the Examples


name of the font to use in the F Key menu window; see your .mcidasrc file for lists of fonts (default=7x14)


This command opens an F Key Menu window and loads the specified menu file. You must make the window active to use the menus.

See Also

For more information, see Chapter 5, F Key Menu System.


MCMENU demo.mnu

This entry opens an F Key Menu window and loads the menu file demo.mnu.

MCMENU /home/johndoe/mcidas/menus/IMAGE.MNU

This entry opens an F Key Menu window and loads the menu file /home/johndoe/mcidas/menus/IMAGE.MNU.

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