McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2019.1

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The F Key Menu System allows for some rudimentary flow control by permitting pseudocommands in the menu file. The pseudocommand syntax allows multiple commands on a line separated by semicolons (;). There are two restrictions:

The F Key Menu System pseudocommands are listed below.


This pseudocommand switches to menu nnnn. See the Sample Menu File, the instructions for Defining Loops, and the F and C character instructions for more examples of using @nnnn.


This pseudocommand saves the current loop state (bounds, rates, etc.) under loop number nn. See the the instructions for Defining Loops for more examples of using *Snn.


This pseudocommand recalls the loop state nn. See the the instructions for Defining Loops for more examples of using *Rnn.


This pseudocommand prompts McIDAS to perform an EXIT command and removes all McIDAS resident programs from memory. Use this command on rare occasions only.


This pseudocommand invokes the previous menu. For example, if menu 1 switches to menu 4 using the @4 command, and menu 4 switches to menu 23 using @23, then performing an @RET pseudocommand in menu 23 invokes menu 4 just as if an @4 was done. Consequently, performing an @RET in menu 4 invokes menu 1, not menu 23.


This pseudocommand exits the menu and closes its window.

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