McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2018.2
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If your remote server receives area or MTSAT format data (via SDI ingestor, ftp from another server, or some other method), you can choose whether to track the data. Tracking means that clients that request data while it's being received by the server will wait until all of the requested data is available before completing the request. For example, if a client runs an IMGDISP command while the area, GVAR or MTSAT data is being received on the server, the IMGDISP command will continue running until it receives all of the requested data.
The area, GVAR and MTSAT servers are set, by default, to track data being received. You can turn off the tracking option in the area and MTSAT servers (but not GVAR) so that client commands that request area data that's being received by the server will obtain only the data that had been received when the command was issued. To turn off the tracking option, complete the steps below.
1. Add the following line to the remote server account's $HOME/.mcenv file.
2. Examine the remote server account's $HOME/.profile file and add the following line if it's not already present. Be sure to leave a space between the period (.) and $HOME.
. $HOME/.mcenv |
To reset the tracking option to the default (on), remove the line listed in step 1 above from the remote server account's $HOME/.mcenv file.
Note: In McIDAS-X version 2012.1 the client environment variable MCTRACK=YES/NO and IMGCOPY, IMGDISP, IMGFILT, IMGMAG, IMGOPER, IMGPLOT, IMGPROBE, IMGREMAP, IMGRGB and IMGTRACK command keyword TRACKING=YES/NO were added to allow the client to not track area, GVAR or MTSAT data even if the server has tracking enabled. For example, if your GVAR server (which has tracking enabled) receives an IMGDISP command with TRACKING=NO, the server will send only the data that was ingested when the command was issued. See Setting the Image Tracking Mode for more information about the client options.
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