McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2017.1

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Changing the GUI Display

By default the McIDAS-X GUI uses the default attributes listed in the table below. You can change the default arguments and other Tcl/Tk settings by creating a file with any text editor called .mcguirc file. You must name the file .mcguirc or the McIDAS-X GUI will not display your changes. After you create the file, store the file in a directory that is named in the MCPATH environment variable. See Appendix G, MCPATH for more information. The Tcl/Tk User's Guide provides more information about the attributes you can change.

Attribute Default Argument
window background color *background gray 90
window foreground color *foreground navy
active window background color *activeBackground navy
active window foreground color *activeForeground yellow
GUI font *font "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal–*-120*"
error message font *Messagefont "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal–*-140*"

The example below shows a .mcguirc file for the default attributes listed above.

*background gray90
*foreground navy
*activeBackground navy
*activeForeground yellow
*font "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120*"
*messageFont "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-140*"

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