McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2017.1

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Obtaining McIDAS-X for Win7 2017.1

Note: For convenience, the McIDAS-X for Win7 installation files include both the McIDAS-X core package and the McIDAS-XRD sidecar package (see the McIDAS-XRD Software page for details). Installation of McIDAS-XRD is optional (done by specifying a non-default argument during the install procedure).

File Name Description shell script that installs McIDAS-X and/or -XRD
mcidas2017.1_win7.tar.gz gzip-compressed file containing the McIDAS-X and -XRD software
mcidas.mcenv environment variables used by McIDAS-X
mcidas.profile template for creating a .profile file in user accounts that don't have a pre-existing .profile

Complete the instructions below to obtain the McIDAS-X for Win7 2017.1 installation files from the McIDAS Website.

1. Use your Web browser to download the files listed above. Access the McIDAS Website, and follow the link for the McIDAS-X for Win7 2017.1 software. Each site has its own login and password for downloading files. Have your site coordinator contact the McIDAS Help Desk if you can't remember yours.

2. Log on to the McIDAS-X workstation as user mcidas and copy or move the downloaded files to the ~mcidas directory.

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