McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2017.1
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Commands in this category operate on ADDE datasets.
Command | Purpose |
ADT | Estimates tropical cyclone intensity using the Advanced Dvorak Technique. |
AKA | Adds, deletes and lists aliases for dataset names. |
ALTIM | Calculates sounding data at standard aviation heights or pressures. |
DATALOC | Manages and lists the client routing table. |
DSINFO | Lists datasets on local and remote servers. |
DSSERVE | Manages and lists dataset names on the local server. |
FRNTDISP | Displays fronts from NCEP frontal positions products. |
GEO | Finds and displays a geostationary satellite image over a point or region. |
GRDCOPY | Copies grids from one dataset to another. |
GRDDISP | Generates contours, streamlines or plots from grid data. |
GRDIMG | Converts a grid to a digital image. |
GRDINFO | Lists, modifies, or statistically analyzes grid point values. |
GRDLIST | Lists grids in a dataset. |
HODO | Plots a hodograph of upper-air data. |
IMGCHA | Changes an image directory. |
IMGCOPY | Copies image data from one dataset to another. |
IMGDEL | Deletes images in a dataset. |
IMGDISP | Displays image data. |
IMGFILT | Applies filters to image data. |
IMGLIST | Lists images in a dataset. |
IMGMAG | Changes the magnification of a displayed image. |
IMGOPER | Applies mathematical functions to image data. |
IMGPARM | Creates a multi-band image of parameters useful for composites. |
IMGPLOT | Displays a scatter plot of data values from two images. |
IMGPROBE | Lists or plots image data for a region of the displayed image. |
IMGREMAP | Remaps images into different projections. |
IMGRGB | Combines images and basemaps into a multi-banded image. |
IMGTRACK | Redisplays a loop of images centered at a selected feature. |
LEO | Finds and displays a polar orbiting satellite image over a point or region. |
MOSRPT | Lists MOS forecasts from the GFS, NAM and NGM models. |
NAVCALC | Calculates satellite subpoints and orbit times. |
NAVDISP | Displays polar orbital tracks and coverage. |
NAVLIST | Lists system navigation entries. |
OBSRPT | Lists the observational text reports. |
PACORB | Displays polar orbital tracks and coverage for the Pacific Test Range. |
PTCON | Converts point data to grids; displays contours and plots. |
PTCOPY | Copies point data from one dataset to another. |
PTDISP | Displays point data. |
PTLIST | Lists point data in a dataset. |
RAOBCON | Contours upper-air data from IRAB-schema point files. |
RAOBPLOT | Plots upper-air data from IRAB-schema point files. |
RAOBRPT | Lists upper air (RAOB) observations. |
READ | Lists the contents of an ADDE text dataset. |
SFCCON | Contours surface hourly data from ISFC-schema point files. |
SFCLIST | Lists surface hourly data from point files. |
SFCMG | Displays a surface meteorogram. |
SFCPLOT | Plots surface hourly data from ISFC-schema point files. |
SFCRPT | Lists surface hourly observations. |
SYNRPT | Lists synoptic observations. |
TAFRPT | Lists terminal aerodrome forecasts. |
UACROSS | Plots a vertical cross section of upper-air data. |
UALIST | Lists upper air data. |
UAPLOT | Plots a sounding on a thermodynamic diagram. |
USAORB | Displays polar orbital tracks and coverage for North America. |
WWDISP | Displays active weather warnings, watches and advisories. |
WWLIST | Lists active weather warnings, watches and advisories. |
WXTLIST | Lists weather text products. |
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