McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2013.1

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Commands in this category operate on ASCII text files, LW format files and weather text data such as that from the National Weather Service NOAAPORT data stream.

Command Purpose
DOSTOLW Converts ASCII text format files to LW format text files.
FRNTDISP Displays fronts from NCEP frontal positions products.
LWCON Converts a McIDAS-OS2 LW file to a McIDAS-X LW file.
LWTODOS Converts LW format files to ASCII text format files.
LWU LW file utility.
MOSRPT Lists MOS forecasts from the GFS, NAM and NGM models.
OBSRPT Lists the observational text reports.
RAOBRPT Lists upper air (RAOB) observations.
READ Lists the contents of an ADDE text dataset.
SEE Lists the text in an LW file.
SFCRPT Lists surface hourly observations.
SYNRPT Lists synoptic observations.
TAFRPT Lists terminal aerodrome forecasts.
TFILE Sends text output to a disk file.
TXT2MD Creates an MD file from an ASCII text data file.
WWDISP Displays active severe thunderstorm and tornado watches and warnings.
WWLIST Lists active severe thunderstorm and tornado watches and warnings.
WXTLIST Lists weather text products.

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