McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2012.1

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Frame Analysis

Commands in this category use navigation, calibration or directory information from data displayed on a frame to list or draw data, or move the cursor. Many of the commands are also listed under other categories.

Command Purpose
BAR Draws a grayscale bar on a frame containing an image.
C Lists a frame's directory.
D Lists the digital values at the cursor center.
DIST Finds the distance on a navigated frame.
E Lists the earth coordinates at the cursor center.
FIND Locates U. S. towns by name and state.
FRMLABEL Displays an image label on a frame.
FRMLIST Lists frame directory information.
IMGPLOT Displays a scatter plot of data values from two images.
IMGPROBE Lists or plots image data for a region of the displayed image.
MAP Displays a map and latitude/longitude lines on a graphics frame.
PC Positions the cursor at a desired point on the frame.
PCMW Computes a velocity vector.
PLAX Calculates parallax at cursor position.
S Lists Metar, Synoptic and RAOB stations within the cursor bounds.
STNLIST Lists weather stations.
STNPLOT Plots stations on a navigated frame.
TOWNS Lists the U.S. towns closest to the cursor location.
V Toggles the velocity cursor on and off when tracking cloud drift winds.

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