McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2012.1

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Opens a briefing window.


BRIEF window



briefing window number; the range is 0-9 (default=0)


Use briefing windows to display loops 1 through 9 saved with the DEFLOOP command. Do not create briefing windows with the same window number.

Use the following commands and procedures to control briefing windows and loops.

To: Do This:
Advance one frame in the loop Press A
Back up one frame in the loop Press B
Close the briefing window Choose Close from the Window menu or let the window automatically close when you exit McIDAS
Display a loop in a briefing window Use the MOVIE command with the WIN keyword, or make the briefing window active and press the keyboard key that corresponds to the loop number
Resize the briefing window Click and drag the window border
Return the briefing window to its original size Press R
Start or stop looping Press L

BRIEF makes the briefing window the same size as frame 1. When you display a loop in the briefing window that was saved on a frame of a different size, the loop's frames are rescaled to fit the briefing window. For example, if the loop was saved on 700 x 900 frames and the briefing window is 480 x 640, the loop's frames are rescaled to 480 x 640 to display the entire frame.

When you resize briefing windows using the window border, the frames displayed in the briefing window are automatically rescaled to fit the window. If you decrease the size of the briefing window, the graphics on the displayed frames will deteriorate.

The delay between frame advances in a briefing window is 250 milliseconds. Thus, the fastest loop speed you can attain in a briefing window is four frames per second, even if you specified a much faster loop speed when you saved the loop with DEFLOOP.



This entry creates briefing window 0. Use command DEFLOOP and/or MOVIE to display loops in the window.


This entry opens briefing window 3. Use command DEFLOOP and/or MOVIE to display loops in the window.


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