McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2010.2
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Commands in this category operate on image data, like satellite and radar images.
Command | Purpose |
ADT | Estimates tropical cyclone intensity using the Advanced Dvorak Technique. |
ADUMP | Lists the contents of an area in hexadecimal. |
AVGI | Reduces image resolution by averaging. |
AXFORM | Converts a McIDAS Area file to ASCII or binary flat files. |
BAR | Draws a grayscale bar on a frame containing an image. |
D | Lists the digital values at the cursor center. |
EB | Black and white contrast stretching. |
EU | Enhancement utility. |
GEO | Finds and displays a geostationary satellite image over a point or region. |
GRDIMG | Converts a grid to a digital image. |
IMGCHA | Changes an image directory. |
IMGCOPY | Copies image data from one dataset to another. |
IMGDEL | Deletes images in a dataset. |
IMGDISP | Displays image data. |
IMGFILT | Applies filters to image data. |
IMGLIST | Lists images in a dataset. |
IMGMAG | Changes the magnification of a displayed image. |
IMGOPER | Applies mathematical functions to image data. |
IMGPLOT | Displays a scatter plot of data values from two images. |
IMGPROBE | Lists or plots image data for a region of the displayed image. |
IMGREMAP | Remaps images into different projections. |
IMGRGB | Combines images and basemaps into a multi-banded image. |
IMGTRACK | Redisplays a loop of images centered at a selected feature. |
LEO | Finds and displays a polar orbiting satellite image over a point or region. |
MAKNAV | Creates a navigation entry for an area. |
MAP | Displays a map and latitude/longitude lines on a graphics frame. |
PCMW | Computes a velocity vector. |
PRDUTIL | Calibration utility for 1-byte PRD image files. |
SU | Image data stretching utility. |
TIRCAL | Calibrates POES (TIROS) areas. |
V | Toggles the velocity cursor on and off when tracking cloud drift winds. |
VASTBL | Creates calibration transforms for Mode AA VAS data. |
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