McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2010.1

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Draws lines on the image/graphic display.


PLOT line, element, color, frame, width



frame line coordinate value (no default)


frame element coordinate value (no default)


graphics color level (no default)


graphics frame to write on (default=current)


line width (default=1)


Each PLOT command draws a line from the previous location to the specified coordinates. Specifying zero for color does not draw a line although it does change the location.


PLOT 100, 200, 0

This example establishes the drawing position at line 100, element 200 on the current frame.

PLOT A, B, 1, 3

This example draws a line from the previous position to the line/element coordinates specified in the variables A and B, respectively. The line is drawn in graphics color level 1 on frame 3.

PLOT A, A+3, 2

This example draws a line in graphics color level 2 from the previous position to a new line coordinate in the variable A, and an element coordinate equal to A plus 3.

PLOT 1, 1, 0

This example moves the starting coordinate to the upper-left corner of the frame.

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