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Choosing Cataloged Data

The General->Catalogs chooser shows THREDDS catalogs of data holdings on remote data servers (typically TDS or OPeNDAP) and provides access to remote Web Map Server (WMS) image servers. McIDAS-V provides a link to an initial default catalog, idvcatalog.xml, which should appear in the Catalog menu. If not, the user can directly enter the URL of the catalog: https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas/software/v/catalog.xml.

This URL links to a catalog of real time model data, a collection of county level shapefiles for roads and hydrography features, and a collection of useful Web Map Servers. For more information on using this chooser to display grid data, see Getting Started - Displaying Gridded Data.

Image 1: Catalog Chooser
Image 1: Catalog Chooser

The following image displays the WMS chooser:

Image 2: WMS Chooser
Image 2: WMS Chooser

The tree view on the left shows the different image layers available. The user can select one image or use Ctrl+click to select multiple images. The map on the right plots a red box around the bounding area of the particular item selected.

Data files that are imported through the WMS Servers must contain gridded data. Also, the NetCDF-Java Common Data Model must be able to identify the coordinate system used.


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