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Radar Sweep View Controls

The Radar Sweep Controls are used to control displays of single level sweeps of radar data, and their display appears in the Main Display window. WSR-88D Level II radar data has three moments or display types: Reflectivity, RadialVelocity, and SpectrumWidth, indicated by the Display Type icon icon in the Field Selector. WSR-88D Dual Pole radar includes these three moments, as well as DifferentialReflectivity, CorrelationCoefficient, and DifferentialPhase.

The controls are identical for 2D and 3D displays:

Image 1: Level II Radar Sweep Controls Properties Dialog
Image 1: Level II Radar Sweep Controls Properties Dialog

Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page. However, there are some options that are unique to this display.

The Edit menu has this unique option:

The View menu has this unique option:

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