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QuickTime Movie Controls

McIDAS-V can display QuickTime movies. You can pause, single step and play a movie. This option can be found in the Main Display window under the View->Capture->Movie menu.

Image 1: Movie Display Window
Image 1: Movie Display Window

The media properties is composed of three tabs, General, Video, and Plug-in Settings.

The General tab has general information about the QuickTime movie:

Image 2: General Tab of the Media Properties Window
Image 2: General Tab of the Media Properties Window

The Video tab lists the specific video information:

Video tab of the Media Properties window
Image 3: Video Tab of the Media Properties Window

The Plug-in Settings tab has access to the PlugIn Viewer details:

Image 4: Plug-in Settings Tab of the Media Properties Dialog
Image 4: Plug-in Settings Tab of the Media Properties Dialog

All of the menu items seen utilizing the movie display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page.

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