The items below list the changes in McIDAS-V for the most recent release version. For the release notes of previous versions, see Previous Release Notes.
For a current list of known bugs and requested enhancements, please see the Open Inquiries Report from the McIDAS-V Inquiry System. To view the items currently under development, see the list of Critical Bugs and Critical Development Items.
The item below reflects the change since the 1.7 release.
Fixed a bug on Windows platforms that caused a Null Pointer Exception at startup and the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer to not show any choosers.
If the last file loaded through a local data chooser is from a drive that is no longer accessible from the machine (e.g., an ejected flash drive), then the error will occur. The error can occur in any of the local choosers, including:
The items below reflect the changes since the 1.6 release.
Updated Java from version 1.8.0_45 to 1.8.0_112
Updated Java 3D from version 1.6.0-pre11 to 1.6.0-pre12.
Updated JOGL from version 2.2.3 to 2.3.2.
Updated NetCDF from version 4.6.5 to 4.6.11
Changed the name of this chooser from "Imagery - Suomi NPP" to "Imagery - JPSS".
Added a button to change the listing of fields in the Field Selector between variable names and the long_name attribute of each variable. This button is only available if the variable names and long_name attributes are different.
Added support for the VIIRS Cloud Mask EDR (Environmental Data Record) with the naming convention of VICMO, which was released in March 2017. The same EDR product with the previous naming convention of IICMO is supported as well.
Added a new display type, Advanced Dvorak Technique (Under Development), that provides Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT) analysis results for local and remote ADDE satellite data. Note that this display type is considered to be under development. Current documentation can be found here: