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Grid Trajectory Controls

The Trajectory Colored By Parameter display type is capable of working with gridded data containing u and v-wind components, as well as a scalar quantity to color them by. You can create both 2D and 3D trajectories dependent on what is contained in your data. To use this display type, you can use the grid formulas Grid 2D Trajectory or Grid 3D Trajectory. These formulas will request for your scalar quantity, as well as individual u and v-wind fields. An alternative to the formulas is utilizing the new derived 2D and 3D fields of your data, Grid 2D Trajectory and Grid 3D Trajectory. When using these fields, all you need to specify is the scalar quantity, and McIDAS-V will pull out the relevant u and v-wind components (as well as the vertical component when creating 3D Trajectories).

After clicking Create Display and choosing your field(s), you will arrive at the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer, where you will define the properties of your trajectories.

Image 1: Grid Trajectories Layer Controls
Image 1: Grid Trajectories Layer Controls

Once you click Create Trajectory Button to create your trajectories, the options in the Layer Controls will expand to include more controls. This is composed of two tabs: Layout, and Times.

The Layout tab allows you to set various aesthetic aspects of your display:

Image 2: Grid Trajectories Layout Tab
Image 2: Grid Trajectories Layout Tab

The Times tab allows you to determine how many times are included with each trajectory.

Image 3: Grid Trajectories Times Tab
Image 3: Grid Trajectories Times Tab

Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page. However, there are a couple of options unique to this display.

The File menu has these unique options:

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