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Modify the Layer Object
setColorScale - Displays color scale on a panel and specifies its attributes

Usage: myDataLayer.setColorScale(keywords)
visible= True - displays color scale (default)
placement= location of color scale
'Top' (default)
font= name of font; default = font defined in User Preferences
style= font style; default=font defined in user preferences
'BOLD' - bolded font
'ITALIC' - italicized font
size= size of font; default = size of font defined in User Preferences
color= 'color name'; default = color defined in User Preferences
[R,G,B] fractional scaling factor for each red, green and blue value (0 to 1)
showUnit= toggles the visibility of the display unit on the color scale (default = False)

setEnhancement - Applies a color table and defines data range of data in a layer

Usage: myDataLayer.setEnhancement(color table,keywords)
color table - color table name e.g., 'Longwave Infrared Deep Convection'
range= (min,max) enhancement range; default = (min,max) of data
layer.setEnhancement('Longwave Infrared Deep Convection',range=(20,250))

setLayerLabel - Toggles a layer label on/off and defines its attributes

Usage: myDataLayer.setLayerLabel(label,keywords)
label - layer label string. this can include macros
visible= True - displays layer label(default)
font= name of font; default = font defined in User Preferences.
style= font style; default = font defined in user preferences
'BOLD' - bolded font
'ITALIC' - italicized font
size= size of font; default = size of font defined in User Preferences
color= 'color name'; default = color defined in User Preferences
[R,G,B] fractional scaling factor for each red, green and blue value (0 to 1)
layer.setLayerLabel('%displayname% %timestamp%', size=15, color='blue', style='BOLD')

setLayerVisible - Toggles layer visibility on/off

Usage: myDataLayer.setLayerVisible(visible)
visible - True displays layer
  False turns off layer

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