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Create an Object

buildWindow - Creates a window and returns an array of panels (single panel currently supported)

Usage: panel=buildWindow(keywords)
height= height of the window
width= width of the window
panelTypes= type of display to create
MAP (default)

openBundle - Creates a new window and displays contents of a bundle

Usage: openBundle(bundle file, keywords)
bundle file - file name of bundle (required)
height= height of display; default= height of the display window when the bundle was saved
width= width of display; default= width of the display window when the bundle was saved
dataDirectory= a dictionary where the keys are datasource names, and the values are either a string or list of strings representing the full path name/names of the data that will be used in place of the data in the bundle
mode= specifies the method that will be used to open the bundle
REPLACE - Removes any previously-loaded layers and data sources and replaces the current session with the bundle's data (default)
NEWWINDOW - Loads the bundle's data and displays into a new window, without removing any previously-loaded layers and data sources
MERGE - Loads the bundle's data and displays into the current tab of the active display window without removing any previously-loaded layers and data sources
NEWTAB - Loads the bundle's data and displays into a new tab of the active display window without removing any previously-loaded layers and data sources

makeLocalADDEEntry - Creates a local ADDE entry in the server table

Usage: localDataset= makeLocalADDEEntry(keywords)
dataset= name of the dataset - limit of 8 characters
imageType= image type name for local server entry. (default=format_dataset)
save= True - saves entry into the server table; False - entry is removed after McIDAS-V session is ended (default)
mask= directory containing the files used by the created dataset
format= data format of files within the dataset. Either Full Name or Short Name can be used as valid options:
Full Name Short Name
"McIDAS Area" "AREA"
"Meteosat OpenMTP" "OMTP"
"Metop AVHRR L 1b" "LV1B_METOP"
"MODIS MOD 02 - Level 1B Calibrated Geolocated Radiances" "MODS"
"MODIS MOD 04 - Aerosol Product" "MOD4"
"MODIS MOD 06 - Cloud Product" "MODX_06"
"MODIS MOD 07 - Atmospheric Profiles" "MODX_07"
"MODIS MOD 28 - Sea Surface Temperature" "MOD8"
"MODIS MOD 35 - Cloud Mask" "MODX_35"
"MODIS MOD R - Corrected Reflectance" "MODR"
dataPath = 'C:\\Users\\myuser\\Data\\AREA'
makeLocalADDEEntry(dataset='AREA', imageType='Area files', save=True, mask=dataPath, format='McIDAS Area')

getLocalADDEEntry - Gets the descriptor for a local ADDE entry

Usage: localDescriptor= getLocalADDEEntry(keywords)
dataset= local ADDE entry dataset name
imageType= image type of local ADDE entry
desc = getLocalADDEEntry(dataset='AREA',imageType='Area files')

getADDEImage - Requests data from an ADDE Image server - returns both data and metadata objects

Usage: myMetaData,myData= getADDEImage(keywords)
localEntry= local dataset defined by makeLocalADDEEntry
server= ADDE server
dataset= ADDE dataset group name
descriptor= ADDE dataset descriptor
day= single day ('date 1') or as a day range ('begin date','end date')
time= ('begin time','end time')
coordinateSystem= coordinate system to use for retrieving data
AREA = AREA file coordinates - zero based
LATLON = latitude and longitude coordinates
IMAGE = image coordinates - one based
location= (x,y)
x = AREA line, latitude, or IMAGE line
y = AREA element, longitude, or IMAGE element
place= CENTER places specified location (x,y) at center of panel
ULEFT places specified location (x,y) at upper-left coordinate of panel
band= McIDAS band number; must be specified if requesting data from multi-banded image; default=band in image
unit= calibration unit to request; default = 'BRIT'
position= time relative (negative values) or absolute (positive values) position in the dataset; default=0 (most recent image)
size= number of lines and elements to request; default=(480,640)
mag= magnification of data (line,element), negative number used for sampling data; default=(1,1)
accounting= ('user', 'project number') user and project number required by servers using McIDAS accounting; default = ('idv','0')
debug= send debug information to file; default=False
metadata,data = getADDEImage(debug=True,localEntry=desc, size='ALL', mag=(1,1), unit='BRIT')

listADDEImages - Lists data from an ADDE Image server that matches the keywords in the request - returns metadata objects which can be passed into getADDEImage

Usage: directoryList = listADDEImages(keywords)
localEntry= local dataset defined by makeLocalADDEEntry
server= ADDE server
dataset= ADDE dataset group name
descriptor= ADDE dataset descriptor
day= single day ('date 1') or as a day range ('begin date','end date')
time= ('begin time','end time')
coordinateSystem= coordinate system to use for retrieving data
AREA = AREA file coordinates - zero based
LATLON = latitude and longitude coordinates
IMAGE = image coordinates - one based
location= (x,y)
x = AREA line, latitude, or IMAGE line
y = AREA element, longitude, or IMAGE element
place= CENTER places specified location (x,y) at center of panel
ULEFT places specified location (x,y) at upper-left coordinate of panel
band= McIDAS band number; must be specified if requesting data from multi-banded image; default=band in image
unit= calibration unit to request; default = 'BRIT'
position= time relative (negative values) or absolute (positive values) position in the dataset; default=0 (most recent image)
size= number of lines and elements to request; default=(480,640)
mag= magnification of data (line,element), negative number used for sampling data; default=(1,1)
accounting= ('user', 'project number') user and project number required by servers using McIDAS accounting; default = ('idv','0')
debug= send debug information to file; default=False
directoryList = listADDEImages(localEntry=desc, band=4, unit='TEMP')

listADDEImageTimes - Returns a list of available dates and times of data that match the keywords in the request

Usage: directoryList = listADDEImageTimes(keywords)
localEntry= local dataset defined by makeLocalADDEEntry
server= ADDE server
dataset= ADDE dataset group name
descriptor= ADDE dataset descriptor
day= single day ('date 1') or as a day range ('begin date','end date')
time= ('begin time','end time')
coordinateSystem= coordinate system to use for retrieving data
AREA = AREA file coordinates - zero based
LATLON = latitude and longitude coordinates
IMAGE = image coordinates - one based
location= (x,y)
x = AREA line, latitude, or IMAGE line
y = AREA element, longitude, or IMAGE element
place= CENTER places specified location (x,y) at center of panel
ULEFT places specified location (x,y) at upper-left coordinate of panel
band= McIDAS band number; must be specified if requesting data from multi-banded image; default=band in image
unit= calibration unit to request; default = 'BRIT'
position= time relative (negative values) or absolute (positive values) position in the dataset; default=0 (most recent image)
size= number of lines and elements to request; default=(480,640)
mag= magnification of data (line,element), negative number used for sampling data; default=(1,1)
accounting= ('user', 'project number') user and project number required by servers using McIDAS accounting; default = ('idv','0')
debug= send debug information to file; default=False
print listADDEImageTimes(localEntry=desc, band=4, unit='TEMP')

createLayer - Creates a new data layer in a panel

Usage: myDataLayer = panel[0].createLayer(display type, myData)
display type - display type for layer; valid options shown in Field Selector (e.g. 'Image Display', 'Image Sequence Display')
myData - data object to display (from getADDEImage)
layer=panel[0].createLayer('Image Display', data)

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