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There are many different sources of data that can make use of the charting facility in McIDAS-V. It is possible to use the charting facility to display your data by selecting Data Probe/Time Series in the Displays menu in the Field Selector tab of the Data Explorer. The chart will be plotted in the Layer Controls tab, while a square representing the location of the probe will be shown in the Main Display window. The location of the probe can be changed by left-clicking on the probe and dragging it.

There are four levels of configuration available to the user, as well as several unique menu options for this display.

Chart Line Properties

At the lowest level, you can set the properties of how each parameter or field is shown. This is done through the Chart Line Properties dialog, which is opened by right-clicking on the parameter below the chart and selecting Chart Properties.

Image 1: Chart Line Properties Dialog
Image 1: Chart Line Properties Dialog
Plot Properties

For each individual plot, there are a number of settings that can be changed through the Plot Properties dialog. This is also accessed through the View->Chart->Chart:->Properties... menu item.

Image 2: Data Probe Properties Dialog
Image 2: Data Probe Properties Dialog

When right-clicking on a chart, you can also zoom in and out and save the chart as an image. There are also a number of key and mouse bindings on the chart:

Chart Layout

When you have multiple charts, you can define different layouts for them using the View->Chart->Layout menu item. There are a number of pre-defined layouts: Grid, Vertical, Horizontal, 2 Column, 3 Column, Tabs. The Grid Layout allows for much flexibility in how the charts are organized and laid out. The View->Chart->Layout->Change Grid Layout menu item brings up the Grid Layout Editor:

Image 8: Edit Chart Layout Window
Image 8: Edit Chart Layout Window

You can add/remove rows and columns with the Plus and Minus button buttons. You can then drag the graphical representations of the charts to place them in the grid. A chart can also span multiple rows or columns. This is done by grabbing the black square on one side of the chart image and dragging it to change the row or column.

Menu Options

Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page. However, there are several menu options that are unique to the Data Probe/Time Series display.

The File menu has these unique options

The Edit menu has these unique options:

The View menu has these unique options:

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