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Ensemble Grid Controls

The Ensemble Grid feature in McIDAS-V allows you to create a plot of possible forecast scenarios from model data. This plot is produced by adding a perturbation to the initial model solution, and by adding perturbations to every subsequent perturbation. Thus, each perturbation away from the unperturbed initial model output theoretically diverges further from the initial model solution. These perturbations can be the result of slightly different initial conditions or different physics utilized by the model. Ensemble Grid displays are a valuable tool for medium range weather forecasting.

The Ensemble Grid controls are accessed through the Data Explorer window by selecting an ensemble run in the Data Sources tab, and then defining the parameter to display and the output format in the Field Selector. You can also utilize McIDAS-V's ensemble formulas to display this data.

Image  1: Enxemble Grid Data in the Field Selector Tab of the Data Explorer
Image 1: Ensemble Grid Data in the Field Selector Tab of the Data Explorer

By default, McIDAS-V displays all ensemble members. This can be changed in the Field Selector by selecting the Ensemble tab. You can select a range of times with the Shift key, or individual times with the Ctrl key. The times of the data can be changed in the Times tab. When displaying a 3D grid parameter, use the Level tab to select which level(s) to display. You can select a specific region to plot the data with the Region tab, or select how many data points to plot with the Stride tab. Press Create Display button to plot the data in the Main Display window.

Image 2: Ensemble Grid Data Displayed in the Main Display Window
Image 2: Ensemble Grid Data Displayed in the Main Display Window

There are a variety of ways to customize the display once it has been plotted. These options can be found in the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer.

Image 3: Ensemble Grid Controls
Image 3: Ensemble Grid Controls

Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls Page. However, there are a couple of options that are unique to this display.

The Edit menu has this unique option:

The View menu has this unique option:

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