Release Notes
The items below list the changes in McIDAS-V for the most recent released
For a current list of known bugs and requested enhancements, please see the
Inquiries Report from the McIDAS-V
Inquiry System. To view the items currently under development, see the
list of Critical
Bugs and Critical
Development Items.
Version 1.2
The items below reflect the changes since the 1.01 release.
McIDAS-V User's Guide
Updated the McIDAS-V User's Guide to contain new
features and more detailed content.
Layer Visibility Animations
Added the ability to add a Layer Visibility Animations button to the Main Toolbar in McIDAS-V. This can be done through the Toolbar Options tab of the User Preferences window. This allows you to animate through layers of data that do not have times associated with them without having to go through the menus.
Hovmoller Display
Added the Hovmoller Display to the Displays panel of
the Field Selector. Your display can be Time-Longitude or Time-Latitude,
with either a color shaded or contour display. The display will be plotted
in the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer, where you can change the color table, the time
label format, and the order with respect to time of the display. This display
can be used with both 2D and 3D model data, but not with 2D derived fields.
Add Logos
Added the ability to add logos to displays. This option can be found in the View->Properties menu item of the Main Display window. In the Main tab of the Properties dialog, there is a Logo panel. Here, you can select which image to add as the logo, select its location, and its size. You must also select the 'Show Logo' checkbox at the top of the tab for the logo to be visible. This will add a logo to the Main Display window. Certain types of displays are displayed in the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer. For these displays, an option to add a logo can be found in the item's Properties window, accessed through the Edit->Properties menu item in the Layer Controls tab.
Wind Barbs
Changed the way that wind barbs are plotted when the wind is between 0 and 2.5kts. Previously, these winds were regarded as calm and denoted by an open circle. Now, they are plotted as a staff with no flags.
Multispectral GEOCAT Data
Added a new class to support multispectral GEOCAT data.
This data can now be loaded in through the Satellite->HYDRA chooser.
Level 2 Calipso/CloudSat Data
Added support for Level 2 Calipso/CloudSat types of
data. This data can now be loaded in though the Satellite->HYDRA chooser.
Added a first release of a suite of fully supported Jython scripting tools. The functions and methods in this suite can be used to load and display data, manipulate the display, and save the images. This allows the user to automatically process data and generate displays for web pages and other environments. This scripting can be done from the Jython shell within McIDAS-V, or from a Jython script that can be invoked as a command line argument. Please see
Scripting for the list of supported functions, an example script, and links to various Java docs.
Compute Statistics Option for HYDRA Scatter Analysis Displays
Added a new feature to HYDRA Scatter Analysis displays to output statistical information pertinent to the data. After creating a Scatter Analysis display, a new button has been added to the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer, called 'compute statistics'. When this button is clicked, a Scatter Statistics window will open, listing statistical information corresponding to the data on the X and Y axes of the scatter plot. There is statistical information for the display as a whole, and also for different areas you subset with the box/curve options. This information includes, but is not limited to: maximum, minimum, number of points, mean, median, variance, standard deviation, and correlation. This statistical data can be written out to a *.csv file by using the Save As CSV button.
Rotation Option
Added the ability to rotate displays clockwise and counterclockwise. You can do this by right clicking on the Auto-rotate icon in the Viewpoint Toolbar of the Main Display window. Here, you will see different rotation options.
Image Handling
Changed the way McIDAS-V handles images. In the past,
all images used Red, Green, Blue, and alpha as RealTypes in the data and
they would then map to RGB or RGBA. This meant that a change to the color
map of one image would affect all others. Now, we are using unique RealTypes
(xxx_N) for each image, where N is a unique number for each image.
SEVIRI RGB Satellite Formulas
Added new a new group of formulas has been added as a plugin to McIDAS-V. This group of formulas is titled SEVIRI RGB. These are RGB satellite formulas that are designed to work with satellite data from MSG's SEVIRI instrument, but they will work with any satellite data as long as the necessary bands are included with the data. After adding your satellite data, select one of these formulas and click Create Display. This will open a Field Selector window with recommended bands to select. The data from these bands will be utilized by McIDAS-V to produce the final image.
New Java Version
Updated the Java version in McIDAS-V from 1.6.0_17 to 1.6.0_31.
Suomi NPP Chooser
Changed the name of the
Imagery - NPP chooser to
Imagery - Suomi NPP,
for use with local data from Suomi NPP (National Polar-orbiting Partnership). This is currently
located in the Under Development list of choosers in the Data Sources tab
of the Data Explorer and is available for user feedback through the
Support Forums. As the IDPS (Interface Data Processing Segment) begins to distribute new types of NPP data, we test it in McIDAS-V and make any necessary changes to be able to get the data to display. Since the last release, granules that include terrain-corrected geolocation now work. Also, time and date information will now be listed at the bottom of the Main Display window for displayed granules. When multiple granules are aggregated together, the time/date information for the first granule will be listed. Simulated GRAVITE data produced before the release of McIDAS-V 1.01 will no longer work, now that real data is being received.
Version 1.01
The items below reflect changes since the 1.0 release.
McIDAS-V User's Guide
Updated the McIDAS-V User's Guide to contain new
features and more detailed content.
Contour Labels
Added a new option to allow the user to change the
font, font size, and alignment of contour labels. This is in the Contour
Properties Editor, which can be accessed through the Layer Controls tab of
the Data Explorer and selecting Change next to 'Contour'.
Grid Smoothing
Added the ability to revert back to the default smoothing
(none) after smoothing has been applied without having to reload the data.
Also, users can no longer smooth grids over topographic fields, and in this
situation smoothing must be done via the McIDAS-V Jython formulas.
Polar Satellite Data
Added the ability to display loops of polar satellite
data with different navigations.
BUFR Files
Added the ability to read BUFR data (*.bfr files) as
a netCDF point data type.
Jython Version
Updated the Jython version in McIDAS-V from 2.2.1 to
NPP Chooser
Added a new chooser, named
Imagery - NPP,
for use with local data from NPP (NPOESS Preparatory Project). This is currently
located in the Under Development list of choosers in the Data Sources tab
of the Data Explorer and is available for user feedback through the
Support Forums.
Polar Orbit Track Chooser
Added a new chooser, named
Imagery - Polar
Orbit Track, for use with local or remote orbital track data in
TLE format. This is currently located in the Under Development list of
choosers in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer and is available
for user feedback through the
Support Forums.
Version 1.0
Updated Content
The McIDAS-V User's Guide has been updated with more
detailed content.
New Image Rendering Option
Added new "Enable access to image data by reference" option
in Advanced tab of User Preferences to reduce likelihood of jagged edges
at limb and gaps at dateline.
Grid Smoothing
New grid diagnostics are available in this release.
The following have been added:
- PVOR(S,V) - Potential Vorticity
- QVCL(THTA,V) - Q-Vectors in a layer
- SAVG, SAVS - Average over a grid
- SM5S, SM9S, SM5V, SM9V, GWFS, GWFV - grid smoothers (5-point, 9-point,
You can use the Grid->Define a grid diagnostic formula to use these
New Grid Diagnostics
Selected grid displays (contours, flow vectors, wind
barbs) now have an option to perform smoothing functions on the grid. The
GEMPAK 5-point (SM5S), 9-point (SM9S) and Gaussian Weighted Function (GWFS)
smoothing functions have been implemented in McIDAS-V.
New Directory Structure
Renamed the .mcidasv directory to McIDAS-V to
make user files more easily accessible.
New Satellite Image Chooser
Redesigned the Satellite Imagery Chooser to include new options, such
as an optional preview image in the Region tab of the Field Selector.
Users are encouraged to use this new chooser. Please notify us (via the McIDAS-V
Support Forums or McIDAS
Help Desk) if you feel there is something in the previous chooser
that should be implemented in the new chooser. The previous chooser is
available through the Legacy Choosers tree.
New ADDE Data Manager
Redesigned the ADDE Data Manager to be more intuitive
and include separate local and remote managers.