McIDAS-X Learning Guide
Version 2020
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Loop Control System - Changing the Loop Sequence
In this exercise, you will change the loop sequence with the LB and LS commands.
- Change the loop bounds to be from frames 1 through 6.
- Type: LB 1 6
Notice that the loop bounds on the status line changes to 1-6 and
frame 1 is displayed.
- Start and stop the loop.
- Press: Alt L
- Press: Alt L
- Define a loop with random sequencing.
- Type: LS 1 3 2
The primary loop is frames 1, 3 and 2, and the opposite loop is frames 11,
13, and 12. Notice that the status display at the bottom of the text and command
window changes to indicate that the loop is random.
IMA GRA Bounds Switches Date Time T
1 1 random 16 Sep 2019259 03:02:35 0
- Set the opposite loop to display a random sequence.
- Type: LS O 6 5 4
- Check the current loop settings.
- Type: LS
The primary loop is frames 1, 3, and 2, and the opposite loop is frames 6,
5, and 4. The dwell rate for both loops is nine units for the first frame
and six units for the remaining frames.
- Loop the primary sequence, the loop set in step 3.
- Press: Alt L
Notice the frames loop from frame 1 to 3 to 2.
- Toggle to the opposite loop sequence.
- Press: Alt O
- Toggle back to the primary loop sequence.
- Press: Alt O
- Stop looping.
- Press: Alt L
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