McIDAS Learning Guide
Version 2015
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The help text appears in the active text frame as shown below:
ZLM -- Draws graphics using the mouse ZLM BOX color height width ZLM CIRCLE color height width ZLM DRAW color SMOOTH= ZLM FILL color height width ZLM FREE color Parameters: BOX | draws a box CIRCLE | draws a circle or ellipse DRAW | draws a smooth, continuous line as you move the mouse FILL | draws and fills a box FREE | draws straight lines between points selected with mouse (def) color | graphics color level, use 0 to erase with FILL option (def=3) height | height of the box, circle or ellipse, in pixels (def=cursor height) width | width of the box, circle or ellipse, in pixels (def=cursor width) Keywords: DASh=YES | draw dashed lines for BOX, CIRCLE, DRAW and FREE options =NO | solid lines are drawn (def) GRA= | graphics frame number to display output; valid only with MODE=N and BOX, CIRCLE, or FILL option (def=current) MODe=I | interactive mode (def) =N | non-interactive "batch" mode; draws shape centered at line and element position specified in POS keyword on the graphics frame specified with the GRA keyword; valid only with BOX, CIRCLE, or FILL option POS=line ele | TV line and element position to center the shape on; valid only with MODE=N and BOX, CIRCLE, or FILL option (def=current cursor position) SMOoth= | number of samples to take for the running average with the DRAW option; the range is 1-50; larger numbers produce smoother lines (def=3) ---------- |
The syntax of the IMGDISP command is listed in the current text frame.
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