McIDAS Learning Guide
Version 2015
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GUI - Displaying a Satellite Image
In this exercise, you will display a satellite image using
the GUI.
- Select the Image GUI from the Display Menu.
- Select: Display/Image
The Image Select GUI should come up and look similar to this:
- There are four menu buttons that are used to select an image: Select
Frame, Dataset, Sensor/Band,
and Date. Display the Band 4 Full Disk image from GOES
East and display the image on frame 2.
- Select: Select Frame/ALL FRAMES/2
- Select: Dataset/EASTL/FD
- Select: Sensor/Band/G-13 IMG/4
- Highlight the most recent image in
the list by clicking on its listing in the white window.
- Select: Load Image(s)
- Display the same image on frame 3, but include a map and
display only part of the data.
- Select: Select Frame/ALL FRAMES/3
- Click: Display Map On Image
- Click: Location
The Location tab contains an image of a globe. After selecting an image,
the area of coverage of the image will be displayed on the globe as a yellow
box. Once the bounds are displayed, you can alter the coverage shown by using
the left mouse button to drag the selection bounds, and the middle mouse
button to set the latitude and longitude center point, or by filling in the
lat/lon or station ID, and the Line/Ele magnification.
- Use the mouse to select a new data
coverage area.
- Click: Load Image(s)
This will load the image, but not exit the Image GUI. Compare the image with
the coverage shown on the Location tab.
- Close the Image Select GUI window.
- Click: Dismiss
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