McIDAS Learning Guide
Version 2008

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String Tables - Incrementing Values in a String

In this exercise, you will define a simple string that displays three images in three consecutive frames, use the REPEAT command to define values for the string, and run the string.
  1. Create a string called DISPLAY that displays images on frames.
    The exclamation point (!) indicates the value will be defined and incremented when you use the REPEAT command. In this example, the dataset position number (!1) and the frame number (!2) will increment.

  2. Repeat the DISPLAY string three times, starting at GV4 dataset position 1 and frame 4, and increase each value by one until dataset position 3 is displayed in frame 6.
    Type:  REPEAT DISPLAY 1 TO 3 BY 1 4 BY 1
  3. Set the loop bounds to frames 4 through 6 and loop the frames. Stop looping.
    Type:  LS 4-6
    Press:  Alt L
  4. Exit McIDAS
    Type:  EXIT

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