McIDAS Learning Guide
Version 2008

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String Tables - Saving Strings and String Tables

In this exercise, you will save the strings from the previous exercises to the user-defined string table LEARN.
  1. List strings in the string table.
    Type:  TL
    You should see five user-defined strings (CT,KEYF4,NOTE,T,WORLDMAP) and two system strings (H,Y) as shown below.
     CT          := ZA "#H                                                       
     H           := 20:42:30                                                     
     KEYF4       := ZA "USA   
     STATE       := TX
     STATION     := KLAR
     T           := ZA "20:12:07             
     WORLDMAP    := MAP WORL 3 BOX=NO                                            
     Y           := 1999362                                                      
       --END OF LIST                                                             

    TL without any parameters lists the first 20 strings in the table that start with a number or a letter.

  2. List all the strings in the string table.
    Type:  TL OUT
    Using the OUT parameter lists all strings in the string table, including the global string, ?CROSS.

  3. Save the strings you created in a string table named LEARN.
    Type:  TU SAVE LEARN
    A copy of each string is saved in the user-defined string table LEARN. The strings also remain in the current string table until you delete them or restore another user-defined string table.

  4. List all user-defined string tables on your workstation.
    Type:  TU LIST
    You should see a string table named LEARN with your initials associated with it.
      #   NUM  SAVE NAME     INIT  PROJ  SAVED     RESTORE  USER                 
     ---  ---  ------------  ----  ----  -------   -------  ----                 
       1    1  LEARN         USER  9999  1999362                                
  5. Delete all the strings in the string table.
    Type:  TD ALL

    TD ALL removes the regular strings from the current string table, but does not remove the global or system strings.

    Also, when you saved the strings into the user-defined string table LEARN, a copy of each string was stored in LEARN and a copy remained in the string table. When you deleted the strings, they were removed from the current string table, but not from the user-defined string table LEARN.

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