McIDAS Learning Guide
Version 2008

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McIDAS Argument Formats

Integer Argument Format

Valid McIDAS integer argument format:  [+-]i.fE[+]s
   where:  i = integer part
           f = fractional part
           E = exponent of E, e, D or d
           s = exponential scalar
           x = hexadecimal digit 0-9 or A-F

Acceptable Forms:  [+-]i  , [+-]iE[+]s   , [+-]i.fE[+]s  , $x[xxxxxxx]
                   [+-]i. , [+-]i.E[+]s  , [+-].fE[+]s

Double Precision Argument Format

Valid McIDAS double argument format:   [+-]i.fE[+-]s
   where:  i = integer part
           f = fractional part
           E = exponent of E, e, D or d
           s = exponential scalar
           x = hexadecimal digit 0-9 or A-F

Acceptable Forms:  [+-]i.f , [+-]i  , [+-]iE[+-]s  , [+-]i.fE[+-]s , $x[xxxxxxx]
                   [+-].f  , [+-]i. , [+-]i.E[+-]s , [+-].fE[+-]s

Date Format

Valid McIDAS date argument format:
   [+-]yyyyddd , [+-]yyyy/mm/dd , [+-]mm/dd , [+-]dd/mon/yyyy , [+-]dd/mon ,
                 [+-]yyyy-mm-dd , [+-]mm-dd , [+-]dd-mon-yyyy , [+-]dd-mon

   where:  yyyy = year           (def=current year & century)
           mm   = month          (def=current month)
           mon  = calendar month (>=3 chars)
           dd   = day of month   (required)
           ddd  = day of year    (required)
           '/'  = today's date

Acceptable Forms:  [+-]yyyy/mm/dd  , [+-]mm/dd  , [+-]/mm/dd  , [+-]yyyyddd ,
                   [+-]dd/mon/yyyy , [+-]dd/mon , [+-]dd/mon/ , [+-]ddd     ,
           [+-]/ , [+-]/dd         , [+-]dd/    , [+-]//dd    , [+-]dd//

Time Format

Valid McIDAS time argument format:  [+-]hh:mm:ss
   where:  hh    = hours
           mm    = minutes (<= 59)
           ss    = seconds (<= 59)
           fffff = fractional hour
           ':'   = current time

Acceptable Forms:  [+-]hh   , [+-]hh:mm  , [+-]hh:mm:ss , [+-]hh.fffff , [+-]: ,
                   [+-]hh:  , [+-]hh:mm: , [+-]hh::ss   , [+-].fffff   ,
                   [+-]hh:: , [+-]:mm:   , [+-]:mm:ss   , [+-]::ss     , [+-]:mm

Latitude and Longitude Format

Valid McIDAS lat/lon argument format:  [+-]dd:mm:ss
   where:  dd    = degrees
           mm    = minutes (<= 59)
           ss    = seconds (<= 59)
           fffff = fractional degrees

Acceptable Forms:  [+-]dd   , [+-]dd:mm  , [+-]dd:mm:ss , [+-]dd.fffff , [+-]: ,
                   [+-]dd:  , [+-]dd:mm: , [+-]dd::ss   , [+-].fffff   ,
                   [+-]dd:: , [+-]:mm:   , [+-]:mm:ss   , [+-]::ss     , [+-]:mm

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