McIDAS Learning Guide
Version 2008

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ADDE - Getting Started

The exercise below introduces you to ADDE concepts such as dataset names, aliases, clients and servers. Use this exercise to practice adding entries to your client routing table and local server's mapping table. The image listing, display and copy commands will be explained further in the Satellite Imagery Section.
  1. Start a McIDAS session.
    At the Unix prompt:
    Type:  mcidas
    Your session should still be set for six frames from the last time you changed the settings in the Configuration GUI. If not, set it for six frames, as described in Getting Started.
  2. Log on and initialize the workstation. (If you don't have your own initials and project number, use DEMO for initials and 1234 for project.)
    Type:  LOGON initials project I
  3. List your client routing table's groups and associated server IP addresses.
    Type:  DATALOC

    If this is the first time you are using the ADDE, the table is empty and the following listing is displayed.

     Group Name                    Server IP Address
     --------------------          ---------------------------------------- 
  4. Modify your client routing table so that commands requesting data from a dataset in the group BLIZZARD are routed to the SSEC remote server with the IP address ARCSERV2.SSEC.WISC.EDU.

    A listing similar to the following is displayed. The last line informs you that commands requesting data from a group with the Server IP Address <LOCAL-DATA> are routed to the local server.

      Group Name                   Server IP Address
      --------------------         ----------------------------------------
      BLIZZARD                     ARCSERV2.SSEC.WISC.EDU
      <LOCAL-DATA> indicates that data will be accessed from the local data directory. 
  5. List all datasets in the group BLIZZARD.

    The following listing is displayed. The NumPos value is the number of positions in the dataset.

             Dataset Names of Type:  IMAGE in Group:  BLIZZARD
     Name         NumPos   Content
     ------------ ------   --------------------------------------
     G7-IR-4K         3    Storm of the Century G7 IR
     G7-VIS-1K        1    Storm of the Century G7 1K
     G7-VIS-4K        3    Storm of the Century G7 VIS
     G7-VIS-FD        1    Storm of the Century G7 16K
     IMAGES          14    Storm of the Century All Images
     M3-IR            3    Storm of the Century M3 IR
     M3-VIS           3    Storm of the Century M3 VIS
             Dataset Names of Type:  POINT in Group:  BLIZZARD
     Name         NumPos   Content
     ------------ ------   --------------------------------------
     OBS              5    Storm of the Century Observational Data  
     PTSRCS           5    Storm of the Century Point Source Data
     SFCHOURLY        1    Storm of the Century Surface Observations
     SHIPBUOY         1    Storm of the Century Ship/Buoy Observations
     SYNOPTIC         1    Storm of the Century Synoptic Observations
     UPPERMAND        1    Storm of the Century Upper Air (Mandatory Levels)
     UPPERSIG         1    Storm of the Century Upper Air (Significant Levels) 
             Dataset Names of Type:  GRID  in Group:  BLIZZARD
     Name         NumPos   Content
     ------------ ------   --------------------------------------
     GRIDS            5    Storm of the Century NGM Grids
         No Datasets found of Type:  TEXT  in Group:  BLIZZARD
         No Datasets found of Type:  NAV   in Group:  BLIZZARD
     DSINFO -- done
  6. List all datasets of type IMAGE in the group BLIZZARD.

    Note that instead of the full word, 'IMAGE,' only an I is used. Each parameter in DSINFO can be abbreviated with it's first letter instead of writing it out in its entirety.

    The following listing is displayed. The NumPos value is the number of positions in the dataset.

              Dataset Names of Type:  IMAGE in Group:  BLIZZARD   
     Name         NumPos   Content                             
     ------------ ------   -------------------------------------- 
     G7-IR-4K         3    Storm of the Century G7 IR            
     G7-VIS-1K        1    Storm of the Century G7 1K           
     G7-VIS-4K        3    Storm of the Century G7 VIS         
     G7-VIS-FD        1    Storm of the Century G7 16K        
     IMAGES          14    Storm of the Century All Images   
     M3-IR            3    Storm of the Century M3 IR      
     M3-VIS           3    Storm of the Century M3 VIS
  7. List all the images in the dataset BLIZZARD/G7-VIS-4K.

    The following listing is displayed. The Pos value is the absolute position of the image in the dataset.

     Image file directory listing for:BLIZZARD/G7-VIS-4K              
       Pos Satellite/         Date       Time      Center   Band(s)   
           sensor                                 Lat  Lon           
       --- -------------  ------------  --------  ---- ---- ------------ 
         1  GOES-7        13 MAR 93072  17:01:00    26   87 1           
         2  GOES-7        13 MAR 93072  17:31:00    26   87 1          
         3  GOES-7        13 MAR 93072  18:01:00    26   87 1
  8. List the two most recent images (positions 0 and -1) in the dataset BLIZZARD/G7-VIS-4K with expanded information on the available Band (1) .

    The following listing is displayed. The Pos value is the absolute position of the image in the dataset. The image in position 3 is listed first because it is the most recent image, relative position 0. The image in position 2 is the second most recent image, relative position -1... The Res values are the resolution of the images' center pixels.

     Image file directory listing for:BLIZZARD/G7-VIS-4K               
      Pos Satellite/         Date       Time      Center      Res (km)   Image_Size 
          sensor                                 Lat  Lon    Lat   Lon 
      --- -------------  ------------  --------  ---- ----  ----- ----- ------------ 
        3  GOES-7        13 MAR 93072  18:01:00    26   87  
         Band: 1   0.65 um Daytime cloud detection           4.33  3.61  1337 x 1604 
        2  GOES-7        13 MAR 93072  17:31:00    26   87  
         Band: 1   0.65 um Daytime cloud detection           4.34  3.61  1336 x 1604
  9. Create the aliases GV4 and GI4 for the dataset names BLIZZARD/G7-VIS-4K and BLIZZARD/G7-IR-4K.
  10. List the aliases in your client routing table.
    Type:  AKA

    The following listing is displayed.

     Alias Name                     Group/Descriptor
     --------------------           ---------------------------------------- 
     GI4                            BLIZZARD/G7-IR-4K
     GV4                            BLIZZARD/G7-VIS-4K
  11. Display the most recent image in the dataset with the alias name GV4. Display the image on frame 1 centered on Athens, Georgia, and draw a map on it. The AKA listing in step 10 shows that the alias GV4 represents dataset BLIZZARD/G7-VIS-4K.

    The brackets after the station indicate the data type of the station to look for. The brackets are useful for station ID's in which there are more than one city using the ID. In this case, [V] indicates to search for a VOR station with a station ID of AHN because the station ID AHN works for both Athens, Georgia, and Haines, AK, USA.
  12. Assign the dataset name MYDATA/IMAGES to all of the areas available on your local workstation.
  13. Use the IMGLIST command to find five empty areas on the local server.
    Type:  IMGLIST MYDATA/IMAGES.4000 4004

    If data exists in this block of areas, move or delete the areas or use the IMGLIST command to find an empty block of 5 areas.
  14. Assign the dataset name MYDATA/TEST-IMAGES to the empty block of areas.
    Type:  DSSERVE ADD MYDATA/TEST-IMAGES AREA 4000 4004 "Scratch areas for testing

    A listing similar to the following is displayed.

     Group/Descriptor         Type  Format & Range     RT Comment 
     ------------------------ ----- ------------------ -- --------------------
     MYDATA/IMAGES            IMAGE AREA 1-9999           ALL AREA FILES
     MYDATA/TEST-IMAGES       IMAGE AREA 4000-4004        Scratch areas for testing 
  15. List the groups in your client routing table.
    Type:  DATALOC

    A listing similar to the following is displayed.

     Group Name                    Server IP Address
     --------------------          ----------------------------------------
     BLIZZARD                      ARCSERV2.SSEC.WISC.EDU 
     MYDATA                        <LOCAL-DATA>
     <LOCAL-DATA> indicates that data will be accessed from the local data directory. 
  16. Create the alias TI for the dataset name MYDATA/TEST-IMAGES.
  17. List the aliases in your client routing table.
    Type:  AKA

    The following listing is displayed.

      Alias Name                   Group/Descriptor
     --------------------          ---------------------------------------- 
     GI4                           BLIZZARD/G7-IR-4K
     GV4                           BLIZZARD/G7-VIS-4K
     TI                            MYDATA/TEST-IMAGES
  18. List all the images in the dataset with the alias name TI. The AKA listing in step 17 shows that the alias TI represents dataset MYDATA/TEST-IMAGES.

    The following output is displayed because the dataset has no images.

     Image file directory listing for:TI
     IMGLIST: No images satisfy the selection criteria 
  19. Copy the most recent image in the dataset with the alias name GI4 to position 5 in the dataset with the alias name TI. Place Athens, Georgia, at its center. The AKA listing in step 17 shows that the aliases GI4 and TI represent datasets BLIZZARD/G7-IR-4K and MYDATA/TEST-IMAGES.
    Once again, the brackets are used in specifying the station because the directions were to place Athens, Georgia, the VOR station, at the center of the image.
  20. List all the images in the dataset with the alias name TI.

    The following listing is displayed

     Image file directory listing for:TI                            
      Pos Satellite/         Date       Time      Center   Band(s) 
          sensor                                 Lat  Lon         
      --- -------------  ------------  --------  ---- ---- ------------ 
        5  GOES-7 IR     13 MAR 93072  18:01:00    34   83 8
  21. Exit McIDAS.
    Type:  EXIT

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