McIDAS Learning Guide
Version 2006

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Grids and Grid Files - Copying Grids and Grid Files

Next, you will copy grids and grid files.
  1. Use the DMAP command to see if there are any local grid files in the range 4000 to 4009.
    Type:  DMAP GRID400
    If you already have grids in this range, select another range of 10 files you can use. (try 4010-4019, then 4020-4029, etc).

  2. Create a local dataset name for the test grids in the MYDATA group and add an alias for the dataset. Use the grid numbers for the first free range you located in the previous step.
    Type:  DSSERVE ADD MYDATA/TEST-GRIDS GRID 4000 4009 "Test grids
  3. Copy the 12Z 93071 NMC NGM TRAINING GRID from the BLIZZARD dataset to the first position in the TEST-GRIDS dataset. Set the description of the destination grid file to "LEARNING HOW TO COPY GRIDS".
  4. List grids 115 through 130 in dataset TG.1.
    Type:  GRDLIST TG.1 GRID=115 130
    Note that grids 115 through 120 are used; therefore the first available grid is 121 in this dataset.

  5. Copy grids 1 through 10 from the 00Z 93072 NMC NGM TRAINING GRID grid file to the TG.1 dataset starting at grid 121.
  6. Verify the grids were copied into the TG.1 dataset; grids 121 through 130 are now being used.
    Type:  GRDLIST TG.1 GRID=115 130
    Notice that grids 115 to 120 have the Julian date 93071, and grids 121 to 130 have the Julian date 93072.
     Dataset position 1      Directory Title= LEARNING HOW TO COPY GRIDS            
     PARAM  LEVEL      DAY        TIME    SRC FHOUR     FDAY       FTIME   GRID  PRO
     ----- ------- ------------ -------- ---- ----- ------------ -------- ------ ---- 
     LI    SFC     12 MAR 93071 12:00:00  NGM    36 14 MAR 93073 00:00:00    115 MERC
     LI    SFC     12 MAR 93071 12:00:00  NGM    48 14 MAR 93073 12:00:00    116 MERC
     RH     850 MB 12 MAR 93071 12:00:00  ROI     0 12 MAR 93071 12:00:00    117 MERC
     RH     850 MB 12 MAR 93071 12:00:00  NGM     6 12 MAR 93071 18:00:00    118 MERC
     RH     850 MB 12 MAR 93071 12:00:00  NGM    12 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    119 MERC
     RH     850 MB 12 MAR 93071 12:00:00  NGM    24 13 MAR 93072 12:00:00    120 MERC
     Z     1000 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    121 MERC
     T     1000 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  NGM     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    122 MERC
     U     1000 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    123 MERC
     V     1000 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    124 MERC
     Z      850 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    125 MERC
     T      850 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    126 MERC
     U      850 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    127 MERC
     V      850 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    128 MERC
     Z      700 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    129 MERC
     T      700 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00    130 MERC
     Number of grids listed = 16                                                    
  7. List grids 1 to 10 from the 00Z 93072 NMC NGM TRAINING GRID grid file. Note that they are the same as grids 121 to 130 in the example above.
     Dataset position 4      Directory Title= 00Z 93072 NMC NGM TRAINING GRID      
     PARAM  LEVEL      DAY        TIME    SRC FHOUR     FDAY       FTIME   GRID  PRO
     ----- ------- ------------ -------- ---- ----- ------------ -------- ------ ---- 
     Z     1000 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00      1 MERC
     T     1000 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  NGM     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00      2 MERC
     U     1000 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00      3 MERC
     V     1000 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00      4 MERC
     Z      850 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00      5 MERC
     T      850 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00      6 MERC
     U      850 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00      7 MERC
     V      850 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00      8 MERC
     Z      700 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00      9 MERC
     T      700 MB 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00  ROI     0 13 MAR 93072 00:00:00     10 MERC
     Number of grids listed = 10

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