Significant Modifications – McIDAS-X v. 2023.1
McIDAS-X v. 2023.1
This page contains significant software modifications included in McIDAS-X version 2023.1. The list includes changes that we think are of greatest interest to sites, so is somewhat subjective. See the 2023.1 Software Changes to see all of the code changes included in the release.
- Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. See the 2023.1 Supported System Configurations for the complete list of system configurations where McIDAS-X 2023.1 is supported.
- Updated the calibration and navigation modules for the new MTG (Meteosat Third Generation) ADDE servers. The MTG FCI servers are being released as a preliminary release separate from McIDAS-X. These will be the first operational servers written in Python and will be officially released when they are fully tested with data from the satellite.
- Updated the GOES-R Series ABI servers to support NOAAPort American Samoa sectors.
- Updated the VIIRS servers to accurately report the scan line times.
- The grib servers and GRD* commands were updated to use scaling factors from the source grid which gives output AREA files the expected values for gridded fields with exponential values. Updates were also made to read ETSS, PETS, SPC, GLW, GLSW, and RRFS grids.
- The netCDF servers that write image files with IMGCOPY were updated to better handle pixels that are in space. This improves performance when displaying the netCDF files in McIDAS-V.
- Updated USCOUNTY.MAP, USSTATE.MAP and USZONE.MAP files with the most recent National Weather Service GIS-AWIPS Shapefile database updates. The US*.MAP files are used by the WWDISP command and the MAP command’s COUNTY=, MARINE=, STATE= and ZONE= keywords.
- Updated the McIDAS-XRD Package included in the McIDAS-X installation files to include:
- one new command (IMGEU, which reads in an AREA file and McIDAS-X enhancement table to create a multi-banded RGB AREA file).
- 7 new data files (SUVI-*.ET, which are the standard enhancements used for AREA files with generated SUVI data).
See the McIDAS-XRD Instructions and Software page for the complete list of software included in McIDAS-XRD 2023.1.
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