McIDAS-XCD Installation Instructions v. 2022.1
Note: You must install McIDAS-X 2022.1 on the workstation before you install McIDAS-XCD 2022.1. Then continue with the appropriate set of instructions, as described below.
McIDAS-XCD v. 2022.1
If you are installing McIDAS-XCD for the first time on the workstation, go to the McIDAS-XCD Administrator’s Guide‘s Installing McIDAS-XCD 2022.1 for the First Time and complete its instructions. (Use those instructions rather than those below.)
If you are installing McIDAS-XCD Fastrack version 2022.1 on a workstation that already has a previous version of McIDAS-XCD installed, complete the steps below.
- At a Unix prompt as user oper, stop McIDAS-XCD and then LDM by running the commands below in order.
Type: xcdadmin stop
Type: ldmadmin stop - As user oper, run the script below from the ~oper/mcidas directory to build and install McIDAS-XCD 2022.1 using the same settings for optional flags -noopt and -mysql as were used to build McIDAS-X 2022.1. You must use the same compilers and optional flag settings for both the McIDAS-X and McIDAS-XCD builds.
Type: sh ./ flags build
where flags is zero, one or both of the two optional flags described below.
The -noopt flag is used to build McIDAS-XCD with no optimization. If you don’t specify this -noopt flag, McIDAS-XCD is built using the default optimization: -O1 for builds with gcc/gfortran.
The -mysql flag is used to build McIDAS-XCD using the MySQL/MariaDB database libraries. Use this flag if this workstation will be serving real-time GRIB files from the NOAAPORT data stream and you have installed and want to use a MySQL/MariaDB database to make the GRIB data access faster for your McIDAS-X clients/users. If the database is in a non-standard install location, specify the flag as -mysql=directory, where directory is the root MySQL/MariaDB install directory. Remember, the -mysql flag must be specified when building both McIDAS-X and McIDAS-XCD.
When the script is finished, you will see the message below.
McIDAS-XCD binaries built correctly
- As user oper, run the script below from the ~oper/mcidas directory to install the new executable code and a subset of the replaceable McIDAS-XCD data files for your workstation.
Type: sh ./ cutover
When the script is finished, you will see the message below.
McIDAS-XCD package cutover is now complete
- As user oper, start a McIDAS-X session and run the command below to remove the .IDT files. The .IDT files are recreated after McIDAS-XCD is restarted (last step below) and at that point will contain the STNDB.CORE updates.
- In the McIDAS-X session started as user oper in step 4 above, run the two commands below. The first command (BATCH REGROUP.BAT) recreates the GROUPS.DAT and COUNTRY.DAT files so they contain the station database changes included in McIDAS-X Fastrack 2022.1. The second command (BATCH REBILDRAP.BAT) rebuilds the Rapid Access Pointer files so they include the same station database changes and rebuilds the Rapid Access Text files.
Note: Running the second command erases the previous content of the *.RAP and *.RAT files, so they will contain only new data. That means that the user commands MOSRPT, OBSRPT, RAOBRPT, SFCRPT, SYNRPT and TAFRPT will not be able to access any data from prior to McIDAS-XCD being restarted (last step below).Type: BATCH REGROUP.BAT
Type: BATCH REBILDRAP.BAT - As user mcadde, start a McIDAS-X session and run the command below to recreate the GROUPS.DAT and COUNTRY.DAT files in the mcadde account so they contain the station database changes included in McIDAS-X Fastrack 2022.1.
- As user mcadde, make a backup copy of your RESOLV.SRV file (e.g., cp RESOLV.SRV RESOLV.SRV.BAK) in preparation for adding the restructured RTGRIDS/* datasets below.
- In the McIDAS-X session started as user mcadde in step 6 above, run the command below to remove obsolete and add new RTGRIDS/* datasets.
- If you completed the McIDAS-XCD NEXRAD Addendum dated 19 May 2022, skip to step 10.
If you did not complete the McIDAS-XCD NEXRAD Addendum, the McIDAS-X 2022.1 installation and the commands below will complete that process.
In the McIDAS-X session started as user mcadde in step 6 above, run the commands below to create McIDAS strings named WSRDATA and TDWRDATA that contain the fully expanded paths to the directories that will store the WSR-88D and TDWR data, respectively. These are the same directories that are specified for the values of WSRFILE= and TDWRFILE= in the /home/oper/mcidas/data/NEXRID.CFG file.
Type: TE WSRDATA “/wsr_data_directory_path
Type: TE TDWRDATA “/tdwr_data_directory_path
(Example: TE WSRDATA “/home/oper/xcd_data/wsr)
(Example: TE TDWRDATA “/home/oper/xcd_data/tdwr)
- As user mcidas, run the script below from the ~oper/mcidas directory to install the new ADDE server executable code in the mcidas account.
Type: sh ./ install addeservers
- Restart LDM and then McIDAS-XCD by running the commands below in order at a Unix prompt as user oper.
Type: ldmadmin start
Type: xcdadmin start
In the McIDAS-X session started as user mcadde in step 6 above, run the command below to create the updated real-time RADAR, TDWR, and WSR ADDE datasets listed in the tables below. Running this batch file will overwrite any locally-created datasets with names matching those in the batch file.
This concludes the McIDAS-XCD Fastrack version 2022.1 installation procedure.
Depending on your site’s configuration and needs, additional actions may be required now or at a later time. Go to Configuring McIDAS-XCD in the McIDAS-XCD Administrator’s Guide for all configuration options.