Download McIDAS-XCD v. 2021.1
Since May 2009 SSEC has been distributing McIDAS-XCD updates as fully supported Fastrack releases. This means that the software is fully supported by SSEC, and that each change to the software has been tested on all of the supported system configurations. Prior upgrade versions were distributed once a year, normally in late-May.
The SSEC McIDAS Help Desk provides full assistance for McIDAS software questions pertaining to the current or previous issue. The Help Desk will still assist those sites that are two issues behind the current issue at a reduced capability. A complete description of your MUG support is detailed in the SSEC McIDAS Users’ Group Policy Document. Also note that if you plan to upgrade to 2021.1 from a version earlier than the previous release (2020.1), you must first read and perform any required actions in the release documents for each of the versions you skipped so you know about their major changes and any required actions in the interim. For example, if you are upgrading from version 2017.2 to 2021.1, you must first read and perform the required actions in the release documents for versions 2018.1, 2018.2, 2019.1 and 2020.1 before proceeding to 2021.1. See the past versions page for links to those and other materials from past versions.
A login and password is required to download any software. Once you’ve entered your valid login and password, you can obtain any other McIDAS software your site is licensed to receive (e.g., McIDAS-X and McIDAS-XCD).
19 May 2022 – There is an optional NEXRAD Addendum available for download after you have installed McIDAS-XCD 2021.1.
McIDAS-XCD Software & Installation
2021.1 McIDAS-XCD Installation Instructions
As user oper, download the following files to the ~oper/mcidas directory on your McIDAS‑XCD workstation.
- Install script (21 KB)
- Source/data files (1013 KB)
- Information to review before installation(8 KB)
If you are upgrading from an older version, please see the past versions page for links to download files and other materials from past versions.
What's New in McIDAS-XCD 2021.1
- Added the listing and display of GRIB data with:
- decimal pressure levels between 0 and 1 hPa
- levels in potential vorticity units (PVU)
- soil temperature levels in units of meters below ground (MBG)
- Increased the maximum number of text block characters to allow for the listing of large .xml file messages coming across NOAAPORT
- Updated McIDAS-XCD code and configuration files to accommodate the updated McIDAS-X station database file STNDB.CORE that was released in McIDAS-X 2021.1. Most updates are related to Antarctic stations as supplied by the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC).