3rd Annual Advanced High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observations Workshop
26 April 2006
- Forward Modeling:
Clear and Cloudy
- 08:50-09:00 Session Introduction by Roger Saunders
- 09:00-09:35 Lessons learned with the AIRS Hyperspectral Sensor (Larrabee Strow)
- 09:40-10:15 Biases in radiative transfer models for high resolution sounders (Roger Saunders)
- 10:20-10:30 BREAK
- 10:30-11:05 Optimal Spectral Sampling (OSS) method: recent advances (Jean-Luc Moncet)
- 11:10-11:45 CRTM at JCSDA. A Status Report (Paul Van Delst)
- 11:50-12:25 PCRTM (Xu Liu)
- Forward Modeling: Clear and Cloudy
- 13:55-14:00 Session Introduction by: Allen Huang
- 14:00-14:35 The Forward Model for Thermal Remote Sensing (Tony Clough)
- 14:40-15:15 The introduction of a parameterization for multiple scattering in RTIASI, the ECMWF fast radiative transfer model for the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (Marco Matricardi)
- 15:20-15:30 BREAK
- 15:30-16:05 Retrieval of cloud optical properties from infrared hyper-spectral measurements (Tiziano Maestri)
- 16:10-16:45 Scattering of Ice Clouds in IR Forward RT Models (Zhibo Zhang)
- 16:50-17:30 Group Discussion
- 18:30 Workshop banquet
27 April 2006
- Information Content in the PCA Framework
- 08:55-09:00 Session Introduction by Paolo Antonelli
- 09:00-09:35 Objective Determination of the Number of PCs Used in Reconstructing Data (Dave Turner)
- 09:40-10:15 Hyperspectral Data Noise Characterization using PCA (Dave Tobin)
- 10:20-10:30 BREAK
- 10:30-11:05 Application of PCA to TES data (Clive Rodgers)
- 11:10-11:45 PCA and Surface Emissivities (Eva Borbas, Suzanne Wetzel Seemann)
- 11:50-12:25 Application of PCA to IASI data (Andrew Collard)
- IASI: Instrument Design, Calibration, Data Processing, Data Access
- Validation Activities for High Spectral Resolution IR Instruments
- 13:55-14:00 Session Introduction by Peter Schlüssel
- 14:00-14:45 IASI status two months before launch. On ground Instrument performances and plan for Level 1 validation (Thierry Phulpin)
- 14:50-15:25 Radiance and Surface Property Validation (Robert Knuteson)
- 15:30-15:40 BREAK
- 15:40-16:05 IASI product generation, products, and data access (Peter Schlüssel)
- 16:10-16:45 Preparation for the Distribution of IASI Radiances to NCEP and GMAO (Walter Wolf)
- 16:50-17:30 Group Discussion
28 April 2006
- Geo Sounder
- 08:55-09:00 Session Introduction by Paul Menzel
- 09:00-09:35 Observing capabilities Required for Geo Sounders (Bill Smith)
- 09:40-10:15 A Perspective on US GOES Sounder Development: Some Key Requirements, Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES) Sounder, and GIFTS (Hank Revercomb)
- 10:20-10:30 BREAK
- 10:30-11:05 HES Trade-off Studies (Jun Li)
- 11:10-11:45 MTG (Stephen Tjemkes)
- 11:50-12:30 Group Discussion
Last updated May 3, 2006 by SSEC Webmaster